1 PhD and 1 post-doc position available in the Holden Lab

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Seamus Holden-2 Seamus Holden-2
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1 PhD and 1 post-doc position available in the Holden Lab

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Dear colleagues

I am excited to announce that I have two positions available in my lab.

One is for a PhD student, to start in Sept 2018, methods development focussed, to push the resolution limits of single molecule super-resolution microscopy as a tool for imaging bacteria.
Details: https://blogs.ncl.ac.uk/seamusholden/jobs/phd-studentship-barbour2018/

One is for a post-doc, a quantitative biologist (eg single molecule biophysicist or microbiologist with strong microscopy experience), to use advanced fluorescence microscopy to figure out fundamental mechanistic principles of bacterial cell division.
Details: https://blogs.ncl.ac.uk/seamusholden/jobs/pdra-faculty2018/

I would be most grateful if you could recommend to any suitable persons.

If you know any strong candidates for the PhD I would be particularly grateful for your passing it on to them. Note that this is a non-research council PhD, so selection is purely supervisor based - no committee hoops to jump through! It is available, fully funded, to both home and EU students.

Interested candidates can contact me directly by email for informal discussion about either position, with CV.

Best wishes

Dr Seamus Holden
Wellcome Trust Sir Henry Dale Fellow
Newcastle University
Centre for Bacterial Cell Biology
NE2 4AX, United Kingdom

Phone: +44 (0)191 208 3230