2-day RMS Confocal Microscopy Course

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O'Toole, P O'Toole, P
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2-day RMS Confocal Microscopy Course

Getting the most from your Confocal


9-10 July 2009, University of York

The course will enable students to fully appreciate and utilise the Confocal microscope with confidence and help participants realise the potential of Confocal imaging, beyond taking pretty pictures.

Participants will develop their Confocal microscopy background as well as try FRAP, FRET and spectral unmixing themselves. The Confocal course will utilise many different sample types and fluorescent probes (DNA stains, classic antibody labels and fluorescent proteins) and will be chosen to best demonstrate particular problems and techniques. The focus will be on the techniques that they enable and the problems they generate, which will be applicable to any sample types. The 2-Days will consist of short tutorials followed by hands-on practice.  

Day 1 will take the participants through the basic principles of Confocal microscopy and then train through hands-on practice how to configure and image multicolour, multidimensional samples using a Confocal microscope.  

Day 2 will build on the experiences of day 1 and enable participants to try FRAP and spectral profiling.

This course has been awarded 16 CPD points by the IBMS
This course is preceded by a 3 day Light Microscopy Course (www.rms.org.uk/event_lmschool06.shtml).
The accommodation provided is for 2 nights in en-suite rooms on the University of York Campus. All meals are provided, including lunches and the course dinner on the Thursday night in a restaurant in York's city centre.

For more details and to register, please visit the website http://www.rms.org.uk/event_Confocal.shtml

Dr Peter O'Toole
Head of Imaging and Cytometry
Technology Facility
Department of Biology (Area 15)
University of York
PO Box 373
YO10 5YW

Tel : +44 (0)1904 328722
Fax : +44 (0)1904 328804
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