2008 OME European Users Mtg

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Jason Swedlow Jason Swedlow
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2008 OME European Users Mtg

Search the CONFOCAL archive at http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal Hi-

The OME project is pleased to announce the next OME European Users Meeting, to be held at the Institut Pasteur, April 29/30, 2008.  Spencer Shorte, the Director of the Plateforme d'Imagerie Dynamique at the Institut Pasteur has again kindly agreed to host the meeting.  We felt that last year's meeting (http://www.openmicroscopy.org/latest/euro2007-03.html) was really successful-- it gave us alot of feedback that we have used to set development priorities since then.  We believe we'll have achieved most of the major requests by the time of the meeting, so it will be time to define work for the next year.  Come and help define what OME will do!

A draft meeting programme will appear on the OME website (http://openmicroscopy.org) in the next couple of days.  For the moment, we will start the morning of April 29 with presentations of newly released software, including the recently released OME Server 2.6.1 (http://cvs.openmicroscopy.org.uk), the Java-based OMERO Server and its clients (see http://openmicroscopy.org/downloads/), the OME file formats and libraries (http://www.ome-xml.org, http://www.loci.wisc.edu/ome/formats.html & http://www.loci.wisc.edu/ome/ome-tiff-spec.html), and our efforts to drive usability of our tools (http://www.usableimage.com).  We will also have presentations from other groups who are developing new image analysis/management software.  April 30 will focus on defining goals for critical functionality for OME and other tools, software demos, and any other final discussions.

If you are interested in attending, please send your name, institution, and contact details to:

Mme Christiane Pacaud (the Imagopole Administrative Assistant), [hidden email]

It will help us if you tell us when you will be arriving and leaving Paris (to organise airport/train transport, if possible-- no guarantees, but we will try).

Any requests for presentations or other programme issues can be addressed to myself and Spencer. Please do this soon, as once the programme fills up, it gets harder to change.

We regret we have no funds to pay for travel or accommodation of participants, but we will cover coffee breaks and lunch during the meeting.

See you in Paris!



Wellcome Trust Centre for Gene Regulation & Expression
College of Life Sciences
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United Kingdom

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