2015 Microscopy and Microanalysis Meeting in Portland, OR, August 2-6, 2015

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Mark A. Sanders Mark A. Sanders
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2015 Microscopy and Microanalysis Meeting in Portland, OR, August 2-6, 2015

To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
Post images on http://www.imgur.com and include the link in your posting.

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to remind you of the upcoming 2015 Microscopy and Microanalysis Meeting in Portland, OR, August 2-6, 2015.  This is an exciting meeting for both physical and biological scientists full of exceptional scientific presentations, workshops, vendor exhibits and awards. M&M is the largest microscopy meeting with the largest microscopy-based trade show floor in the world.  The exhibits occupy over 100,000 sq ft with instrumentation including light, laser, transmission electron and scanning electron microscopes, as well as ancillary equipment, and vendors related to every aspect of microscopy and microanalysis. Details are here:http://www.microscopy.org/MandM/2015/index.cfm. I would especially like to point out to this group that there is a strong biological focus (http://www.microscopy.org/MandM/2015/program/fullsymposium.cfm#Biological) with ten (10) sessions including single and multi-photon confocal, light sheet, correlative light and electron microscopy, fluorescence dynamics, in vivo imaging, SEM, plant imaging, sample preparation and more!

Furthermore, there are numerous awards. These awardees are chosen based on use of any kind of microscopy (e.g., light, fluorescence, confocal, electron, ion, Xray, etc.) and scientific merit.   Other scientific and service awards are also presented.  Papers for M&M 2015 are due February 17, 2015.  More information is available at the MSA web site:  http://www.microscopy.org(click on Meeting/Conferences then Microscopy & Microanalysis 2015.

There are also short courses and in week workshops. http://www.microscopy.org/MandM/2015/program/sundayshortcourses.cfm

I urge you to make this meeting known to your faculty and students so that they can plan on preparing presentations and attending.

Feel free to email [hidden email] if you have any questions.

Mark A. Sanders      University of Minnesota
[hidden email]
Program Director      M&M 2015 Program Chair - Portland, OR
Amanda Lawrence Amanda Lawrence
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Re: 2015 Microscopy and Microanalysis Meeting in Portland, OR, August 2-6, 2015

To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
Post images on http://www.imgur.com and include the link in your posting.

Also, don't forget the MSA sponsored student bursary program at these meetings.  The program is there to encourage students to attend meetings by helping to defray some of the meeting costs while allowing them to further interact with the microscopy community.

The students will be paid $10 an hour to work for ~20 hours (up to 40 hours) during the meeting or pre-meeting events.  The jobs involve such things as providing support in the different symposia (assisting with audio-visual needs, speaker set-up, maintaining an attendance count), staffing the volunteer office, monitoring use of the Internet CafĂ©, and helping with vendor tutorial sign-up.  

If students would like to participate in the bursary program, please check the "I wish to apply for a student bursary" box in section 2 of the registration form.  They can also contact me via email.  Bursary space is limited, so sign-up early.  Applicants for the bursaries must be members of MSA or MAS, enrolled as students at a recognized educational institution, and have paid their registration fee.  

Amanda Lawrence
Outreach Coordinator/Research Associate
Institute for Imaging and Analytical Technologies
Mississippi State University

-----Original Message-----
From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Mark A. Sanders
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2015 4:14 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: 2015 Microscopy and Microanalysis Meeting in Portland, OR, August 2-6, 2015

To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
Post images on http://www.imgur.com and include the link in your posting.

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to remind you of the upcoming 2015 Microscopy and Microanalysis Meeting in Portland, OR, August 2-6, 2015.  This is an exciting meeting for both physical and biological scientists full of exceptional scientific presentations, workshops, vendor exhibits and awards. M&M is the largest microscopy meeting with the largest microscopy-based trade show floor in the world.  The exhibits occupy over 100,000 sq ft with instrumentation including light, laser, transmission electron and scanning electron microscopes, as well as ancillary equipment, and vendors related to every aspect of microscopy and microanalysis. Details are here:http://www.microscopy.org/MandM/2015/index.cfm. I would especially like to point out to this group that there is a strong biological focus (http://www.microscopy.org/MandM/2015/program/fullsymposium.cfm#Biological) with ten (10) sessions including single and multi-photon confocal, light sheet, correlative light and electron microscopy, fluorescence dynamics, in vivo imaging, SEM, plant imaging, sample preparation and more!

Furthermore, there are numerous awards. These awardees are chosen based on use of any kind of microscopy (e.g., light, fluorescence, confocal, electron, ion, Xray, etc.) and scientific merit.   Other scientific and service awards are also presented.  Papers for M&M 2015 are due February 17, 2015.  More information is available at the MSA web site:  http://www.microscopy.org(click on Meeting/Conferences then Microscopy & Microanalysis 2015.

There are also short courses and in week workshops. http://www.microscopy.org/MandM/2015/program/sundayshortcourses.cfm

I urge you to make this meeting known to your faculty and students so that they can plan on preparing presentations and attending.

Feel free to email [hidden email] if you have any questions.

Mark A. Sanders      University of Minnesota
[hidden email]
Program Director      M&M 2015 Program Chair - Portland, OR