2016 Quantitative Bioimaging conference - abstract deadline extended to October 30th, 2015

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Sripad Ram-2 Sripad Ram-2
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2016 Quantitative Bioimaging conference - abstract deadline extended to October 30th, 2015

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Dear Colleague,

The deadline for submitting abstracts for the 2016 Conference on
Quantitative BioImaging (QBI) has been extended to October 30, 2015. If you
have not already done so, please submit your abstracts for posters or
contributed talks using our online abstract submission system at:

This will be the fourth conference in this series focusing on the
quantitative analysis of bioimaging data in an interdisciplinary manner,
and is to be held from January 13-15, 2016, at the Delft University of
Technology in Delft, Netherlands. It will bring together researchers from
engineering, biophysics, biology, and chemistry who work on quantitative
aspects of microscopy. While the previous conferences had an emphasis on
single molecule microscopy, we very much welcome contributions from other
areas of microscopy.

We are planning extensive overview lectures in a number of important areas
and hope to be dealing with these topics in a more substantial way than
what can be done typically. A major goal of the organization of the
conference is to allow for significant interactions among the participants.

We are aiming to have no registration fee for academic participants (as
previous years).

Please see our website, www.quantitativebioimaging.com, for a list of
invited speakers, which includes our keynote speaker W. E. Moerner from
Stanford University. Details regarding available accommodation, the
conference location, and travel information are also available on the
conference website.

We hope very much that you will join us for QBI 2016 in Delft.

Best regards,

The QBI organizers:
Bernd Rieger
Sjoerd Stallinga
Diane Lidke
Keith Lidke
Raimund Ober