2nd International Workshop on "Image-based Systems Biology"

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2nd International Workshop on "Image-based Systems Biology"

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IbSB 2014

2nd International Workshop on "Image-based Systems Biology" in Jena
(Germany) on September 25-26, 2014

Image-based Systems Biology is a modern approach that aims to extract
spatio-temporal information contained in images in a form that can be used
to model morphological, functional and dynamical aspects of biological
processes. In many cases, the vast amount of microscopic image data that is
nowadays routinely generated is only used for a qualitative illustration of
a biological process under consideration. In contrast, Image-based Systems
Biology seeks to take full advantage of the information in images and
establishes an essential connective link between experimental and
theoretical examination of biological processes at a quantitative level.
Researchers from all fields are invited to communicate their results
focused on Image-based Systems Biology in order to exchange novel
scientific methods and to share recent achievements from image-driven
research in biology.

The list of invited speakers (all confirmed) includes:

Joost Beltman, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Till Bretschneider, Warwick Systems Biology Centre, Warwick, UK
Stephen McKenna, Computer Vision and Image Processing, Dundee, UK
Robert F. Murphy, Lane Center for Computational Biology, Pittsburgh, USA
Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin, Bioimage Analysis Unit, Paris, France
Karl Rohr, Biomedical Computer Vision, Heidelberg, Germany

For more information, e.g. on registration issues and abstract submission,
please have a look at our website:

We are looking forward to meeting you in Jena at the IbSB 2014!

Dr. Zoltan Cseresnyes
2-Photon and Confocal Microscopy Core Facility
Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine Berlin
13125 Berlin
Phone: 49 (0)30 94062734