2nd NEUBIAS conference: Abstract deadline Nov. 20th

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Julien Colombelli Julien Colombelli
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2nd NEUBIAS conference: Abstract deadline Nov. 20th

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Dear Bioimaging colleagues,

The Abstract submission deadline is approaching for the Bioimage Analysis symposium at 2nd NEUBIAS conference in Szeged, Hungary, from 31st of January to 2nd of February 2018.

Submissions for talks is open until 20th of November.

Submissions are very welcome to give a talk on topics like Bioimage analysis in Life Science, Bioimage tools and software development, machine/deep learning, data mining and intelligent imaging, etc...

Poster presentations can be submitted until December 14th.

NEUBIAS is a COST Action which brings together life-scientists, microscopists, image analysts and developers from 34 European, neighboring countries + Australia, Singapore and the USA (www.neubias.org).

About NEUBIAS conference:
NEUBIAS is a forum to exchange the newest findings, applications, and cutting-edge developments in Bioimage Analysis, machine learning, data mining, and storage. European Bioimage Analysts, an emergent group within the bioimaging analysis community, organize this event, bringing together an international, interdisciplinary community of scientists in life and computer sciences.

Peter Horvath will be hosting the conference in Szeged, which will include

* a Training School for Early Career Investigators (applications closed),
* a Training School for Bioimage Analysts (applications closed),
* a Taggathon to continue building online resources for the Bioimage Analysis Community (on invitation)
* the Bioimage Analysis Symposium from 31st of January to the 2nd of February.

The symposium will highlight Keynote speeches from Gaudenz Danuser, Marleen de Bruijne, and Gene Meyers and will include talks from other 15 invited speakers. About 15 talks will be selected from abstracts.

The NEUBIAS symposium will feature our signature sessions: the Call for Help or “image clinics” session (C4H), the Open source Software Lounge (OsSL), panel discussions as well as company workshops.

For more information, please visit:

We warmly invite you to forward this email to anybody who might be interested in this conference, and to diffuse around you nationally and regionally.

We look forward to seeing you in Szeged,

on behalf of NEUBIAS, all associated events organizers and the local team in Szeged

Peter Horvath (local organizer), and Sebastian Munck (NEUBIAS Events&Strategy WG1)
Kota Miura & Julien Colombelli, NEUBIAS Vice-Chair & Chair