30th Annual NESM Spring Symposium & Workshops at the MBL

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30th Annual NESM Spring Symposium & Workshops at the MBL

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You are invited to the New England Society for Microscopy's 30th annual
Spring Symposium & Workshops, hosted by the Marine Biological Laboratory in
Woods Hole, MA, on May 2nd-3rd. The meeting will consist of Thursday
afternoon workshops and Friday seminars, as well as a vendor session and
student poster competition on Friday. Registration closes on April 22nd at
12:00 PM.   More information and registration instructions are available on
our website (www.nesmicroscopy.org). Keep up with NESM on the web by
following us on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/NESMicroscopy) and on
Twitter (http://twitter.com/#!/NESMicroscopy).

We hope to see you in May!

Rylie Walsh
NESM corresponding secretary 2014