3D CLEM conference in Ghent

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Chris Guerin-2 Chris Guerin-2
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3D CLEM conference in Ghent

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Dear colleagues:

        I would once more like to bring your attention to the jointly sponsored Zeiss/VIB meeting "From 3D Light to 3D EM” conference focusing on 3D correlative microscopy. This meeting will focus on volume LM/EM techniques such as confocal and super resolution LM and FIB-SEM, SBFI and array tomography. Keynote lectures will be given by Mark Ellisman, Distinguished Professor and Director of the National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research at UC San Diego, Harald Hess, Group Leader at HHMI Janelia Farms Research Campus and co-developer of PALM and Lucy Collinson, Leader of the Electron Microscopy core at the Francis Crick Institute. The meeting will be split into presentations, practical workshops on instrumentation, sample preparation and data handling and round table discussions. All the high end systems for CLEM will be available in the VIB Bioimaging Core including the LSM880 with Airyscan, Merlin FESEM with Gatan 3View and the new Focal Charge Compensation unit, the Crossbeam 540 FIB-SEM with ATLAS 5, and several new products for correlative microscopy. Zeiss and VIB application experts will be available to answer questions and demonstrate how these platforms can bring the 3rd dimension to correlative microscopy.

        The meeting will be held from 21 to 23 March in the beautiful city of Ghent. Registration is free but places are strictly limited. There are opportunities to present your own work as a poster or short talk if you wish but abstracts must be received by Feb 15th. Please go to Zeiss.com\3DEM for further information and the full program. The meeting will be preceded by a 3View users group on March 20th, for further information please go to https://corefacilities.vib.be/.

I hope to see some of you in Ghent this March.

Best regards,

Chris Guérin
Senior Expert Scientist
VIB Bio Imaging Core Ghent