3D CLEM course announcement

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Garnet Martens-2 Garnet Martens-2
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3D CLEM course announcement

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This is a course announcement for the inaugural UBC 3D CLEM course to be held June 14-17, 2013 at the University of British Columbia.

Preliminary programme for the inaugral UBC 3D CLEM course, June 14-17, 2013

This course is designed for life science researchers/microscopists who are looking to learn 3D Correlative Microscopy.  Our instructors will guide you with a series of lectures and practical demonstrations.  We will introduce a sample (or two) at the beginning of the course and take that one sample through microCT, confocal/2P, dual beam FESEM and TEM tomography and into advanced 3D image processing.  Sample preparation will include both chemical fixation as well as high pressure freezing.


When:      June 14-17, 2013
Where:     UBC Bioimaging Facility and UBC Centre for High-Throughput Phenogenomics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. Canada
Support:  Systems for Research (SFR), FEI Company, Edge Scientific, Leica Microsystems, Olympus Canada, TILL Photonics and VSG
Who:        10-12 students, preferably life sciences PhD students, Post docs, microscopy facility managers/directors
Course fee: $2500 CDN (subject to change) and will include 5 nights accommodation, breakfast, lunch and one dinner.

For more information contact Garnet Martens at [hidden email].

Preexisting knowledge of both light and electron microscopy necessary.

Lectures will include:

Principles of CLEM
CLEM methods
microCT for CLEM
Dual beam SEM for CLEM
CryoEM sample preparation
Confocal/2P for CLEM
Image processing and analysis

Practical sessions:

microCT scanning
confocal/2p imaging
sample handling for both chemical fixation and high pressure freezing
Image processing and analysis


Elizabeth Fischer, Rocky Mountain Labs, Hamilton, MT
Vinod Nair, Rocky Mountain Labs, Hamilton, MT
Bill Rice, New York Structual Biology Center
Kim Rensing, Leica Microsystems
Richard Gursky, FEI Company
Cliff Matheson, FEI Company
Christian Wietholt, VSG
TILL Photonics
Farid Jalali, Olympus Canada
Nancy Ford, UBC Centre for High-Throughput Phenogenomics
Gethin Owen, UBC Centre for High-Throughput Phenogenomics
Kevin Hodgson, UBC Bioimaging Facility
Derrick Horne, UBC Bioimaging Facility
Brad Ross, UBC Bioimaging Facility
Garnet Martens, UBC Bioimaging Facility

Garnet Martens
Research Manager
BioImaging Facility
6270 University Blvd
Vancouver, BC
V6T 1Z4

[hidden email]