3rd VIB Summer school in Advanced Microscopy

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Chris Guerin Chris Guerin
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3rd VIB Summer school in Advanced Microscopy

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The third VIB School on Advanced Microscopy will be held in Ghent Belgium
from June 3-7 2013. The course will contain a balanced mixture of lectures
and practical sessions on the proper use of modern microscopic systems from
 basic optics, alignment and sample preparation, through advanced techniques
such as confocal microscopy, FRET/FLIM, FRAP, and correlative light and
electron microscopy. During demos and hands-on trainings, participants will
get the chance to work with the newest instruments on the market today. In
addition, all participants will get the chance to familiarize themselves
with image processing packages such as ImageJ/FIJI. Note that for practical
reasons capacity will be limited to a maximum of 32 students.

The academic fee for the 5 day course is €500, most meals are included.

Confirmed Speakers:
Lucy Collinson, Cancer Research, UK
Chris Guérin, VIB – Ghent University, Belgium
Mike Heileman, Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Sebastian Munck, VIB – KULeuven, Belgium
Peter O’Toole, York University, UK
Andreas Schertel, Zeiss, Germany
Spencer Shorte, Pasteur Institute, France


Since seats for this course are limited,a selection procedure has been
instituted.To apply please register at

We look forward to welcoming you in Gent!

Chris Guérin