3rd annual Yale Microscopy Workshop

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Haberman, Ann Haberman, Ann
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3rd annual Yale Microscopy Workshop

Search the CONFOCAL archive at http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal 3rd annual Yale Microscopy Workshop
Hello fellow microscopy enthusiasts,

We invite you to participate in a three day symposium and workshop.

Yale Microscopy Workshop
June 10 - 12th, 2008
New Haven, CT

free on-line and on-site registration
multi vendor participation

The event is open to the broader regional research community and only requires your free registration. Presentations by academic speakers will be held in morning symposiums. A short lecture and hands-on practical "micro-course" on FRET will be offered as well as another on optical sectioning for 3D rendering. Post-acquisition image analysis will be offered by Imaris and Volocity representatives.

Attendees may use and compare any of a large number of microscopes throughout the day provided by Zeiss, Leica, Nikon, Olympus.  Over 20 microscopes will be available for use, including confocal LSMs, laser microdissection, and fluorescent stereo microscopes. This year we are introducing fully functional two-photon systems made by LaVision and Prairie Technologies that will also be available for use. The confocal microscopes include some of the recently discussed instruments, namely the Zeiss 710, Nikon A1, and Leica SP5X.

One hour reservations can be made for many of the instruments after registration. Please view this as an opportunity to perform a "surgical strike" exploration of new instrumentation without any financial or time commitments.

Please visit the website for a complete schedule and list of equipment

Slides and live cell samples will be available for use but feel free to bring your own samples. Individuals interested in bringing their own samples should contact:

Ann Haberman, Organizer     

Derek Toomre, Co-organizer     

Yale Microscopy Workshop and Symposium Schedule

Tuesday June 10th

Morning symposium: Focus on FRET
        Tobias Meyer, Ph.D.
     Department of Chemical and Systems Biology
        Stanford University
        Barbara Baird, M.D. Ph.D.
        Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
        Cornell University
Afternoon lecture and hands-on practical       
        "Molecular imaging using FRET microscopy:
        a technical lecture with exemplary research of the immunological synapse"
        Eicke Latz
        Division of Infectious Diseases and Immunology
        University of Massachusetts Medical School

        FRET hands-on practical
        with microscopes from all major vendors

        FRET image analysis practical
        post-acquisition image analysis with Imaris or Volocity

Wednesday June 11th    

Morning symposium: Focus on 4D time resolved imaging
        Chi-Bin Chien, Ph.D.
    Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy
        University of Utah Medical Center
        Hai Qi, Ph.D.
   Division of Immunology

Afternoon lecture and hands-on practical
        "Approaches to optical sectioning of tissue:
        confocal or two-photon LSM and other emerging techniques
        Michael Levene
  Department of Biomedical Engineering
        Yale University
        optical sectioning hands-on practical
        thick tissue samples provided as well as fixed cell slides

        3D rendering and deconvolution practical
        post-acquisition image analysis with Imaris or Volocity
Thursday June 12th

Continued access to all instrumentation throughout the day.
No scheduled symposium or classes.

Ann Haberman, Ph.D.                     Derek Toomre, Ph.D.

Department of Laboratory Medicine               Department of Cell Biology
Yale University School of Medicine            Yale University School of Medicine
300 Cedar Street                              333 Cedar Street
TAC S541                                SHM-C227/229
New Haven, CT 06510                 New Haven, CT 06510

203-785-7349 (office)                        (203) 785-4319 (office)
203-785-5415 (fax)                               (203) 785-3559 (fax)
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