43rd Scottish Microscopy Group Symposium - 24th November

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Alison Dun Alison Dun
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43rd Scottish Microscopy Group Symposium - 24th November

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Hi All,

The Scottish Microscopy Group Symposium is in Dundee this year on the 24th of November. We have a diverse range of speakers <http://www.scottishmicroscopygroup.org.uk/Symposium/SMG_program.html> this year as well as the opportunity to present your own work - just submit an abstract for either a poster or a short talk. The one day event includes a trade fair, giving an opportunity to network with our industry partners as well as fellow microscopists,

You can register via the website <http://www.scottishmicroscopygroup.org.uk/Registration/SMG_registration.html> or through Event Brite,

Looking forward to seeing you in Dundee,

The SMG Committee,

http://www.scottishmicroscopygroup.org.uk/Registration/SMG_registration.html <http://www.scottishmicroscopygroup.org.uk/Registration/SMG_registration.html>

Dr. Alison Dun
Technology and Facility Manager
Edinburgh Super Resolution Imaging Consortium (ESRIC)
Heriot-Watt University
EH14 4AS

Deliveries: ℅ Mary Pratt, EPS Stores
Office: 1st floor William Perkin Annexe
Lab: 3.17 William Perkin Building
Lab Phone: 0131 451 4748
Mobile: +44 7977 518 581
Alternative email: [hidden email]

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