6th NIH-NIDDK George M. O'Brien Intravital Imaging Workshop

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Winfree, Seth Winfree, Seth
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6th NIH-NIDDK George M. O'Brien Intravital Imaging Workshop

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Dear list,

The Indiana University Division of Nephrology will be hosting its sixth NIH-NIDDK George M. O'Brien Intravital Imaging Workshop April 27th thru May 1st, 2015 in Indianapolis, IN. The course will consist of morning presentations and afternoon laboratories providing hands-on experience with confocal, multiphoton, optical coherence and lightsheet microscope systems.  In addition to participating in scheduled workshops, course participants will be provided with opportunities to conduct their own studies, pending prior approval.  Microscope companies will demonstrate new state-of-the-art-equipment daily.   Registration is limited to 25 participants. Further information, including registration forms and applications for travel grants can be found at http://medicine.iupui.edu/neph/obrien/workshops/.


Seth Winfree
Indiana Center for Biological Microscopy
Indiana University Medical Center
950 West Walnut St, R2-202
Indianapolis, IN  46202-5116