7th Annual Workshop on FRET Microscopy March 4-8, 2008

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Ammasi Periasamy Ammasi Periasamy
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7th Annual Workshop on FRET Microscopy March 4-8, 2008

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Dear Friends

Few slots are available to register for the upcoming 7th Annual workshop on
FRET microscopy, March 4-8, 2008. The registration will be closed as soon
as we reach the limit or on or before December 21, 2007.

As many of you know we select only 30 participants to provide better
training on FRET data analysis and data acquisition in various FRET
microscopy techniques including Wide-field, laser scanning and spinning
disk confocal, two-photon, spectral FRET, and FLIM-FRET microscopy. This
workshop provides both theory and hands on training on the above mentioned
microscopy techniques.
Please visit the web site for more details about the workshop and for

Please contact me if you have any further questions or clarifications.
Best wishes,
Ammasi Periasamy, Ph.D.
Director, Keck Center for Cellular Imaging (KCCI)
Professor of Biology and Biomedical Engineering
Biology, Gilmer Hall (064), McCormick Rd
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA 22904
Voice: 434-243-7602 (Office); 982-4869 (lab)
Fax:434-982-5210; Email:[hidden email]
Workshop on FRET Microscopy, March 4-8, 2008