ABRF Award 2015: Development of the laser scanning confocal

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Claire Brown Claire Brown
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ABRF Award 2015: Development of the laser scanning confocal

The 2015 ABRF Award for Outstanding Contributions to Biomolecular Technologies is awarded to Drs. John G. White and William Bradshaw Amos for the development of the Laser-Scanning Confocal Microscope
The ABRF Award<http://conf.abrf.org/award-opportunities> recognizes pioneers in biomedical technologies for their achievement and contribution to the development of powerful new tools which served as the foundation of the modern biological research enterprise. John White and Brad Amos received their Ph.D. degrees from the University of Cambridge, UK, and were members of the MRC’s Laboratory of Molecular Biology when they developed and patented the first high-resolution, laser scanning confocal microscope for biological application in 1987. Their design and implementation was the first widely accessible system for the biomedical research community. It would become the foundation for many subsequent commercial instruments, including modern state-of-the-art multi-photon and super-resolution microscopy systems.
The 2015 ABRF Award is sponsored by Bruker, Nikon, Spectra Physics, Coherent, ABRF and others. The award and will be presented at the annual ABRF meeting (conf.abrf.org).

Join us at the ABRF meeting in St. Louis March 18-31, 2015 for the award presentation along with a fantastic light microscopy program, administrative tracks, product show and more.
REGISTER NOW:          conf.abrf.org
Pre-meeting IMAGE PROCESSSING WORKSHOP: conf.abrf.org/sw2



Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities (ABRF) Annual Meeting
March 28-31, 2015, St. Louis, MO, conf.abrf.org

Canadian Cytometry and Microscopy (CCMA) Symposium – Technologies to Treatments
June 18-20, 2015, Toronto, ON, www.cytometry.ca

Need Microscope Access? Fill in our training request form: http://www.mcgill.ca/lifesciencescomplex/core/imaging/newuser

Claire M. Brown, PhD - McGill University - Assistant Professor, Physiology
Life Sciences Complex Advanced BioImaging Facility Director
3649 Promenade Sir William Osler - Bellini Building - Rm 137A - Montreal - Quebec - H3G 0B1
514-398-4400 ext 00795 (Phone) - 514-677-7493 (Cell) - 514-398-7452 (FAX)
[hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]> - http://www.mcgill.ca/abif