ABRF meeting registration open (March 2013). Now including 3 full days of light microscopy !

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Richard Cole Richard Cole
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ABRF meeting registration open (March 2013). Now including 3 full days of light microscopy !

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Exciting announcement - expansion of the international meeting of the ABRF
(Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities) to include light


Light microscopy now has its own track within a premier international
conference on biomolecular science and research targeted specifically
towards core facilities.  The annual ABRF meeting, to be held next on March
2nd-5th 2013 in Palm Springs, California (oooooh - nice place to be in
March!), is dedicated to advancing core facilities, instrument quality
control and technology development.


The 2013 meeting will feature 3 fun-packed days of scientific symposia and
practical roundtable discussions on key aspects of light microscopy research
and developments.  Speakers will include world class researchers such as
Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz (NIH), Jonas Ries (ETH Zurich) and Robert
Campbell (University of Alberta).   Scientific sessions and roundtable
discussions will feature prominent core facility directors and managers in
addition to technical experts from leading microscopy, reagent and software
companies.  We are hoping for healthy and heated discussions between
manufacturers, users and the audience - please come armed with questions!
There will also be opportunities to analyze your own data and get expert


Each day of the meeting will have its own scientific theme:

Sunday: Super-Resolution Microscopy;

Monday: Fluorescent Probes: choice and new developments;

Tuesday: Fundamentals of Image Processing & Analysis/Tricks of the Trade.


As if that isn't enough, the conference will provide a meeting of the Light
Microscopy Research Group, which performs international studies for
microscope standardization and quality control, sessions and roundtable
discussions on core facility management, tips on writing grant applications
for shared equipment grants, vendor exhibits, a job fair, career development
workshops and, of course, great networking for imaging core personnel.


Please mark your calendars and sign up for this meeting to help make it a
great success!  We are very excited to see it lift off the ground and are
confident that it will quickly become a highly useful and relevant
conference for light microscopists and core facility personnel.


We look forward to seeing you there...


Richard Cole, Claire Brown, Alison North and Philip Hockberger

ABRF Light Microscopy Track committee


More info at:  <http://conf.abrf.org> http://conf.abrf.org


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