Abercrombie Meeting 2017

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Charras, Guillaume Charras, Guillaume
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Abercrombie Meeting 2017

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Dear Listers,

I would like to bring to your attention the Abercrombie meeting that will be taking place September 11-14 in Oxford.

The meeting focuses on the cytoskeleton, adhesion, and cell migration.

The deadline for abstract submission is 11th of August.

More details can be found below.

Best wishes



Abercrombie Meeting 2017

11-14 September 2017

St Catherine’s College, University of Oxford


The series of Abercrombie meetings have been held since the death of Michael Abercrombie in 1979. Michael was a pioneer in the field of investigating cell behaviour using timelapse microscopy. Abercrombie meetings are held once every five years and therefore offer an excellent opportunity to review the major advances in our understanding of cell motility and look to the new emerging concepts in the field.

The previous meetings have attracted significant numbers of attendees from the world-leading labs in the adhesion, migration and cytoskeleton fields to present their work in an extremely interactive and collaborative environment. The meeting provides an excellent platform for open and constructive discussions between researchers from world-leading labs focused on complementary areas of study using different types of methods and approaches from advanced microscopy to computational modelling.

We are pleased to confirm that Dr. Michael Sixt from Institute of Science and Technology Austria will be presenting the keynote speech at Abercrombie.  A full list of invited speakers can be found at www.rms.org.uk/abercrombie<http://www.rms.org.uk/abercrombie>.

Submit your abstract now!

We are now accepting abstracts for both submitted talks and poster presentations at Abercrombie.

The Abstract Submission Deadline is 11th of August 2017.

You can submit your abstract to one of the following sessions:

- Immune cell migration                               - Collective migration

- Migration in cancer                                     - Developmental migration

- Migration mechanisms                               - Computational analysis of migration

- Migration in 3D                                             - Nanoscale analysis of migration

- Emerging techniques in migration

•    Abstracts should be submitted as a Word Document NOT a PDF

•    Abstracts should be 300-500 words in length

•    Ensure you include a full title, all authors and affiliations and references if appropriate

•    Include Keywords if possible

•    You may include images or diagrams where appropriate

•    Please indicate in your submission if you are a Student

•    Abstracts should be emailed as an attachment to Karina Lang<mailto:[hidden email]>

•    Presenting authors are required to register, pay and attend the meeting.

Registration is now open!

To register for Abercrombie 2017, please visit www.rms.org.uk/abercrombie<http://www.rms.org.uk/abercrombie>.  You can choose to pay with a credit card, or select raise an invoice.

Non-member rate including accommodation - £875

RMS member rate including accommodation - £775

Student RMS member rate including accommodation - £550

Student non-member rate including accommodation - £625