Additional Web Site Links to Submit an Abstract, Register, or Book a Hotel Room for CYTO 2014: Cytometry Advancing Science from May 17-21, 2014, in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA

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Butler, Michelle Butler, Michelle
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Additional Web Site Links to Submit an Abstract, Register, or Book a Hotel Room for CYTO 2014: Cytometry Advancing Science from May 17-21, 2014, in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA

To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:

It's come to our attention that some cytometrists are having difficulty accessing the CYTO 2014: Cytometry Advancing Science Web site at:

There are other links you can use to access important information about CYTO 2014.

To Submit an Abstract:

The abstract submission deadlines are January 15, 2014, for oral presentation and February 12, 2014, for poster presentation.

To Register:

To Book a Hotel Room:

If you have any further difficulty with submitting an abstract, registering or booking a hotel room for CYTO 2014, please email [hidden email] with any questions.

CYTO 2014 will focus on cutting-edge cytometry opening new horizons in analyzing biology on the level of individual cells.  Recent developments in flow cytometry, advanced microscopy and data evaluation enable a new understanding of basic molecular mechanisms and human disease.  CYTO 2014 is May 17-21, 2014, in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA, and is the XXIX Congress of the International Society for Advancement of Cytometry.

ISAC's mission is to serve a multidisciplinary community by leading technological innovation, scholarship, and the exchange of knowledge in the quantitative cell sciences.Our Vision is to advance the impact of cytometry in meeting current and emerging challenges in the life, biomedical, and physical sciences.

Michelle Butler, CAE
Executive Director
International Society for Advancement of Cytometry (ISAC)
9650 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20814
(301) 634-7454 (p)
(301) 634-7429 (f)
[hidden email]