Advanced Bio-Imaging Workshop August, 2009

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Anya Salih Anya Salih
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Advanced Bio-Imaging Workshop August, 2009

Dear all,


You are invited to attend the following workshop at Hawkesbury campus of the University of Western Sydney:



2nd Advanced Bio-Imaging Workshop

Hawkesbury, University of Western Sydney

4 - 7 August, 2009.


The workshop is aimed at the more advanced confocal users and will feature extensive hands-on training in imaging using fluorescence, confocal and multi-photon microscopes and image analysis software. It will start with the Bio-Imaging Forum with free public talks by several distinguished invited speakers (Prof. Enrico Gratton University California and Prof. Robert Hoffman, AntiCancer Inc, San Diego) on 4th August. The talks will be followed by viewing of instrument displays and demonstrations from participating companies.


The rest of the workshop will consist of lectures and hands-on training for a limited number of registered participants.


Places are limited to ~30 registrants, so please reserve your place early by emailing Dr Anya Salih [hidden email]. A number of scholarships will be available to support participation of post-graduate students. The registration details for the workshop and scholarships  will be announced shortly.  


Program of lectures and hands-on demonstrations:


Advanced live cell labelling technologies

In vivo imaging of molecular and protein dynamics

GFP and Photoactivatable GFP-type fluorescent proteins

FRET, FRAP and FLIP techniques and analysis

Laser micro-dissection

Super-resolution imaging

Cancer imaging in live animals, metastasis and angiogenesis

Calcium and pH imaging in live cells

Multi-Photon Microscopy

Microspectral analysis

Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy  (FLIM)

Phasor Approach to FLIM

Number & molecular brightness (N&B) analysis for protein mapping

Fluorescence correlation spectroscopic (FCS) imaging

Raster image correlation spectroscopy (RICS)

Confocal Raman spectral imaging and chemical identification of molecules in live cells

Image Analysis Software for 3D and 4D imaging, tracking and quantitative analysis


Workshop registration costs:

Full rate        $550.00

Student rate $450.00


Registration includes workshop manual, access to all lectures, all practical training sessions on several wide-field and confocal instruments and image analysis stations, the use of various reagents and fluorophores, morning and afternoon tea and coffee, lunches and light meals during session breaks. Since only 30 places are available, allocation will be done on a "first come, first served" basis.


The workshop is designed to broaden your knowledge in both the basic and the advanced range of techniques that enable measurements of  organelles, proteins and molecules in living cells or organisms. Confirmed participating companies: Leica Microsystems, Nikon, Becker & Hickl, Olympus, Roche, Invitrogen, Bitplane (Scientific Solutions) with SciTech, Coherent Scientific, Eppendorf.


Kind regards,





Dr Anya Salih,
Confocal Bio-Imaging Facility (CBIF),
Building S8, School of Natural Sciences,
Hawkesbury Campus,
University of Western Sydney.

Mailing address:
Building S8
School of Natural Sciences
Hawkesbury Campus
University of Western Sydney
Locked Bag 1797
Penrith South DC
NSW 1797 Australia
T +61 2 45701435  or 45701618 
F +61 2 45701621