Advanced Bio-Imaging Workshop in Australia, 16-19 November 2010 - only 25 places left!

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Anya Salih Anya Salih
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Advanced Bio-Imaging Workshop in Australia, 16-19 November 2010 - only 25 places left!

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Dear colleagues,

You are invited to attend the 3rd Advanced Bio-Imaging Workshop on 16 - 19 November, 2010 and the Bio-Imaging Expo (free event on 16th November)

Location: Confocal Bio-Imaging Facility, Building S8,
Hawkesbury Campus, University of Western Sydney

Lectures and intensive hands-on training on confocal microscopes by top researchers in the field. Learn how to explore and analyse the 3D structural complexity of animal & plant cells, tissues and micro-organisms, visualize and analyse movement of organelles and molecules. Trial a range of novel GFP-type protein constructs. Discuss your experiments and trial new approaches. Workshop emphasis on advanced confocal imaging techniques - FRET, FRAP, FCS, RICS, N&B, FLIM, photoactivatable fluorescent proteins.

Invited speakers

• Professor Enrico Gratton, Director Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics, University of California, Irvine
• Professor Takeharu Nagai, Laboratory for Nanosystems Physiology & Nikon Imaging Center, Hokkaido University Research Institute Electronic Science, Japan
• Dr. Michelle Digman, Director Optical Biology Core Facility, University of California, Irvine
• A/Professor Guy Cox, Australian Centre for Microscopy & Microanalysis, University of Sydney
• Professor Leann Tilley, Department of Biochemistry, D/Director Centre of Excellence in coherent X-ray Science, La Trobe University
• Dr Will Hughes, Director, Pieter Huveneers Molecular Imaging Facility, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, University of Sydney
• Dr Louise Cole, Advanced Microscopy Facility, Bosch Institute, University of Sydney
• Dr Wolfgang Becker, Director Becker & Hickl GmbH, Berlin

Multi-colour Fluorescent proteins

Genetically encodable GFP-type proteins (EGFP, YFP, CFP, mRuby, pmKate2 from Evrogen), fused to studied proteins (mitochondrial, H2B histone, actin, tubulin, Golgi, membrane); Photoactive Fluorescent Proteins (EosFP, AmilRFP, kindling proteins, Phamret). Biosensors - HypPer (Evrogen), Ca2+. Studies of protein localization & diffusion.

Confocal Spectral Imaging

Acquisition of microspectral data (x, y, lambda) in 3D image stacks from samples with multiple fluorescent probes or from fluorescent coral tissues expressing a variety of GFP-type proteins (A. Salih fluorescent corals ( Spectral unmixing, analysis, spectral FRET.

Analysis of molecular movement and diffusion

Track proteins and other molecules in live cells. Measure protein femtoliter concentrations. Monitor mobility and binding using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), scanning FCS, raster image correlation spectroscopy (RICS), number & brightness (N&B) and photon counting histogram (PCH).

 Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM)

- a powerful tool to analyse spatial distribution of excited state lifetimes in samples: studied examples will include FRET-FLIM to study protein interactions (e.g., DNA-Protein) in cells, imaging of photoactivatable FPs, quenching of chlorophyll in plants, etc. Hands-on training in FLIM and Phasor FLIM.

Workshop microscopes & companies:

• * Leica TCS SP5 (x2 systems) - UV, VIS and IR in one system, acousto optical beam   splitter (AOBS), spectral imaging, FLIM, FCS, RICS, N&B
• Zeiss LSM 780 confocal - 32-channel GaAsP array, spectral imaging, photon counting, FCS
• Nikon A1, Coherent Scientific Pty. Ltd - rapid image acquisition, resonant scanner & 32 channel microspectral detection
• Olymus FluoView FV1000 - variable barrier filter (VBF), spectral detection, RICS and N&B
• * Ultra   VIEW VoX spinning disc confocal microscope, high speed, multichannel,   2D and 3D, FRAP, FLIP, photoactivation experiments, PerkinElmer.
• Confocal FLIM system, Becker &  Hickl GmbH, Berlin
• A range of new GFP-type protein  constructs of many colours (cyan to far red) linked to a variety of cellular  proteins for in vivo protein localization and dynamic studies, Evrogen
And many more other instruments.


Full workshop registration (lectures + training) will be limited to 35 participants. Registration will be on a first come first served basis.

Contact Anya Salih [hidden email] to reserve your workshop place
Attendance of lectures only - unlimited in numbers but need to register.

Students - $650 (GST inclusive)
All other - $850 (GST inclusive)

Attendance of the BioImaging Expo on 16th November does not require registration
but please rsvp Pamela McMurtry [[hidden email]]


Registration deadline 1 November, 2010.

Kind regards,

Anya Salih

Research Scientist/Manager
Confocal Bio-Imaging Facility
Building S8, Hawkesbury Campus
University Western Sydney
61 2 45701452

[hidden email]