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Dear All - Happy Holidays! I hope to see you all in 2012 at the 9th Annual
Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop.
Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop
January 18 - 20, 2012
Berkeley, CA 94720
The Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop is three full days of presentations
by top scientists, informal discussions, and hands-on demonstrations. As
always, we will have several sessions on time-resolved fluorescence, as
well as some new sessions on probing biological function with
activity-dependent fluorescent probes. Other sessions include: deep tissue
imaging, adaptive optics, single molecule imaging, and super resolution.
There is still time to present a poster if you would like. More
information can be found on the website here:
http://tinyurl.com/UCB-AIM2012Let me know if you have any questions.
Holly L. Aaron
Molecular Imaging Center
Cancer Research Laboratory
University of California Berkeley
251 LSA #2751
Berkeley, CA 94720-2751
510.642.5741 fax
[hidden email]
http://imaging.berkeley.eduRegister Now for AIM 2012: