Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop in Berkeley, January 2017

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Holly L. AARON Holly L. AARON
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Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop in Berkeley, January 2017

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Dear Confocal Listserv Folks - 

It is my pleasure to announce our 14th Annual Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop to be held in Berkeley this January:

14th Annual

Advanced Imaging Methods (AIM) Workshop

CRL Molecular Imaging Center

University of California at Berkeley

January 24 – 27, 2017

Berkeley City Club

2315 Durant Avenue, Berkeley, California 94704

As usual, it will be 3 full days of presentations, posters, and demonstrations on cutting-edge microscopy instrumentation, techniques and applications. Sessions include time-resolved imaging, FLIM, FRET, Neuroscience, Cell Biology, Super Resolution, Computational Imaging, Clinical Imaging, and Adaptive Optics. Please see the website for list of speakers.

New this year: We are adding 3 optional pre-course sessions on the following topics: FLIM, FRET, and AO. These are 3-hour pedagogic introductions to important imaging techniques taught be leaders in the fields! Please note there is a small add-on fee for the pre-courses. 

I hope you can make it! Let me know if you have any questions! 


Holly L. Aaron
Director, Molecular Imaging Center, Cancer Research Laboratory
University of California, Berkeley
251 Life Sciences Addition, MC #2751
Berkeley, CA  94720-2751
<a href="tel:510.642.2901" value="+15106422901" style="color:rgb(17,85,204)" target="_blank">510.642.2901 office    <a href="tel:510.508.1188" value="+15105081188" style="color:rgb(17,85,204)" target="_blank">510.508.1188 mobile
444-B Li Ka Shing Center for Biomedical and Health Sciences

Register Now for AIM: