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Stanford University is seeking a Life Science Research Professional 3 (LSRP3) lead scientist for the new lattice light sheet microscope in the School of Medicine, Beckman Center’s Cell Sciences Imaging Facility (CSIF). The CSIF provides high resolution, state-of-the-art technologies for imaging and analyzing the molecular and structural organization of cells and tissue as well as bioengineered materials to all Stanford University and industry researchers. The facility offers sophisticated and demanding microscopy techniques (e.g. super-resolution, confocal, FLIM, FRET, FRAP, 2-photon live cell imaging, photo-activation and uncaging, array tomography, multiplexing) as well as image processing and analysis.
The LSRP3 will lead development of the lattice light sheet microscopy techniques in a shared resource facility and will apply advance knowledge in both the theory and application of lattice light sheet microscopy as well as other advanced imaging techniques (e.g. confocal, 2-photon TIRF, super resolution). The LSRP3 will be proficient in optics and have the ability to align and tune laser tables. The candidate will likely have experience in cell culture techniques, live and fixed sample preparation for light imaging, and fluorescence based immunohistochemistry labeling of cells as well as microscope imaging of subcellular and tissue level structures. The applicant should have a wide ranging knowledge of molecular, cellular and whole organism anatomy and function, particularly those related to the common model organisms and diseases (e.g. cancer) studied by Stanford’s research community.
The position further requires experience using image analysis, visualization and processing software (e.g. ImageJ/FIJI, Volocity, Imaris, Huygens). Experience with dealing with large data sets (several TBs) and file server management is desirable. Must possess excellent written and verbal communication skills, organizational and multi-tasking ability, as well as excellent interpersonal and customer service skills. Experience in a microscopy core/facility environment is preferred.
Full details of the position and application process can be found here: