Advanced Imaging Specialist at COMPARE - University of Birmingham (UK)

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Davide Calebiro Davide Calebiro
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Advanced Imaging Specialist at COMPARE - University of Birmingham (UK)

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Dear all,

We are hiring a senior Imaging Specialist to manage the state-of-the-art COMPARE Advanced Microscopy Facility at the University of Birmingham (UK). More details below and here:

Thank you for circulating widely!

Best wishes,

Advanced Imaging Specialist, Centre of Membrane Proteins and Receptors (COMPARE), University of Birmingham
We are seeking a highly motivated lead Imaging Specialist to join our vibrant, multidisciplinary team at the Centre of Membrane Proteins and Receptors (COMPARE) of the University of Birmingham (UK). COMPARE, a joint venture with the University of Nottingham, brings together world-leading experts in microscopy, biophysics and computer science to investigate the fundamental mechanisms of receptor signalling and their alterations in human disease. Our Advanced Microscopy Facility hosts 9 state-of-the art fluorescence microscopes (lattice light sheet, Marianas diSPIM, Ultramicroscope II, Nikon N-STORM, 4-camera TIRF, ultrafast FRET/calcium imaging, Nikon N-SIM, FCS, and two-photon) plus several custom experimental set-ups. The lead Imaging Specialist is a key role in COMPARE, taking responsibility for the management and day-to-day running of the Advanced Microscopy Facility, ensuring maintenance of the equipment and providing training and support to a wide user base. Working with the COMPARE Image Analysis Specialist, they provide comprehensive advice on experimental design, image acquisition and data analysis. Successful candidates should hold a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in Biology, Biophysics, Optical Engineering, or related field. They will have a firm background in cell biology and fluorescence microscopy, expert knowledge of the most common fluorescence microscopy techniques and hands-on experience on imaging biological samples along with expertise in image processing and analysis (ImageJ, Arivis, Matlab, etc). Previous experience with running and/or working in a multiuser fluorescence microscopy facility is strongly preferred. Excellent organisational and communication skills, the ability to work as part of a team and a willingness to help users are essential.

Prof. Davide Calebiro MD PhD DSc
University of Birmingham
Institute of Metabolism and Systems Research
Chair of Molecular Endocrinology &
Director of the Centre of Membrane Proteins and Receptors
College of Medical and Dental Sciences
B15 2TT
Tel. +44 (0) 121 414 3928
Fax. +44 (0) 121 415 8712