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Advanced bioimaging workshop 16-19 November 2010

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Anya Salih Anya Salih
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Advanced bioimaging workshop 16-19 November 2010

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Dear all,

Last chance to register - 3rd Advanced Bio-Imaging Workshop

WHERE: University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury, NSW Australia
WHEN: 16 - 19 November, 2010.

Training by top bioimaging experts:
Professor Enrico Gratton and Dr Michelle Digman, University California;
Dr Wolfgang Becker, B&H and many other imaging specialists.
Lectures and intensive hands-on training in advanced techniques in imaging and tracking molecules in live cells.

Registration and full program
CONTACT Anya Salih [hidden email] for further information.

The Workshop is for students and researchers at various levels of experience - with little prior training in confocal imaging or those interested in learning the more advanced techniques. A range of live samples will be used, including mammalian, invertebrate cells and tissues, algae, biofilms and bacteria. Mammalian cells with a range of GFP-type protein constructs (actin, tubulin, paxillin, histone H2B, membrane, Golgi and mitochondrial proteins and many more).

You will be trained in the standard confocal techniques in 2D, 3D and 4D analyses, time-lapse imaging and interactive volume rendering.

You will also be trained in the advanced techniques, focusing on protein localization and movement in cells; the analyses of their association with each other; concentrations, diffusion rates and lifetimes in sub-cellular compartments or in an entire cell.


Students  AU$650 (GST inclusive)
All others  AU$850 (GST inclusive)

Accommodation: UWS College next to workshop venue AU $220 per week.
All light meals during the workshop are covered by registration fees.

CONTACT Anya Salih [hidden email] for further information.

SCHOLRASHIPS for POST-GRADUATE STUDENTS AND EARLY CAREER RESEARCHERS (within 5 yrs of obtaining PhD) from Becker & Hickle and Olympus.
For further information, please, contact Workshop organiser Anya Salih at
[hidden email], TEL. 61245701452.

Workshop presenters

.       Enrico Gratton, Director Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics, University of California, Irvine
.       Guy Cox, Australian Centre for Microscopy & Microanalysis, University Sydney
.       Mikhail Matz, University of Texas, Austin
.       Michelle Digman, Optical Biology Core Facility, University of California, Irvine
.       Manasa Gudheti, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Maine
.       Takeharu Nagai, Laboratory for Nanosystems Physiology & Nikon Imaging Center, Hokkaido University Research Institute Electronic Science, Japan
.       Wolfgang Becker, Director Becker & Hickl GmbH, Berlin
.       Leann Tilley, Department of Biochemistry, La Trobe University
.       Will Hughes, Molecular Imaging Facility, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, UNSW
.       Louise Cole, Advanced Microscopy Facility, Bosch Institute, University Sydney
.       Renee Whan, Australian Centre for Microscopy & Microanalysis, University of Sydney
.       Anya Salih, University of Western Sydney, Australia
.       Carola Thoni, Leica Microsystems
.       Chris Johnson, PerkinElmer Life Sci.
.       Sophie Hegarty, Coherent Scientific
.       Gavin Symonds, Carl Zeiss Australia

Training sessions cover the following:

Cellular structural analysis in 2D, 3D and 4D.
Confocal imaging of live cells, dynamic tracking over time, imaging of cellular organelles and alterations during stress.

Multi-colour fluorescent proteins.
GFP-type proteins fused to proteins of interest ( mitochondrial, H2B histone, actin, tubulin, Golgi, membrane proteins); applications of novel Photoactive Fluorescent Proteins (EosFP, AmilRFP, kindling proteins) from reef corals to track cellular events.

Confocal Spectral Imaging.
Acquisition of microspectral data in 3D image stacks from samples with multiple fluorescent probes or from fluorescent coral tissues expressing a variety of GFP-type proteins.

Analysis of molecular movement and diffusion.
Track proteins and other molecules in live cells. Measure protein femtoliter concentrations in sub-cellular compartments. Monitor mobility and binding using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), raster image correlation spectroscopy (RICS), N&B e.g, comparing actin dynamics in cytoplasm versus nucleus.

Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM)
- a powerful tool to analyse spatial distribution of excited state lifetimes at every pixel of a sampled image: studied examples will include FRET-FLIM to study protein interactions (e.g., DNA-Protein) in cells and tissues, imaging of photoactivatable FPs, quenching of chlorophyll in symbiotic algae, etc.

Workshop microscopes

Leica TCS SP5 - two confocal microscopes with light and multiphoton lasers;
Zeiss LSM 780 Confocal;
Nikon A1 Confocal, Coherent
FluoView FV1000, Olympus
Ultra VIEW VoX spinning disc confocal microscope, PerkinElmer Life Sci.
FLIM system, Becker &  Hickl GmbH;
Zeiss laser micro-dissection (Palm) microscope for genetic sampling

Kind regards,


Dr Anya Salih
School Natural Sciences
University Western Sydney
61 2 45701452