Advanced microscopy course November 3-12 The Netherlands

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Gert van Cappellen Gert van Cappellen
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Advanced microscopy course November 3-12 The Netherlands

In the footsteps of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek – Advanced course on microscopy

November 3-12, Amsterdam/Rotterdam/Lunteren, The Netherlands



Quality control and characterization of confocal microscopes

Lauran Oomen

Intracellulair protein labeling and visualization by confocal and correlative EM

Ben Giepmans, Henk van Veen and Eric Reits

Calculation of Confocal FRET from Images of Sensitized Emission

Kees Jalink

TCSPC: fluorescence life-time determination by time-correlated single-photon counting

Kees Jalink

LSI: Large-Scale Imaging scanner

Kees Jalink, Leica

Frequency-domain fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy

Dorus Gadella, Joachim Goedhart, Laura van Weeren

Spectral imaging microscopy and CLEM

Erik Manders/Ronald Breedijk

Total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) and Spinning disk microscopy

Mark Hink, Dorus Gadella

4Pi microscopy

Gert van Cappellen

Fluorescent redistribution after photobleaching (FRAP)

Adriaan Houtsmuller

CRYO-Electron Microscopy and Tomography of biological sections

Bridging the gap between EM and X-ray

P. Peters and Nicole van der Wel



The course consist of 5 days of practical sessions given in the UvA, NKI (Amsterdam) and Erasmus MC (Rotterdam) November 3-7, 2 days of lectures (congress) during the meeting for the Dutch Society of Microscopy (NVvM), November 10-11, and a wrap up day November 12 where the participant will have to give a presentation of there practical work.

The number of participants is limited to 16 (4 groups of 4).

Costs: 300 euro.

Organizing committee:
AMC:               dr. EAJ Reits, prof. dr. CJ van Noorden
ErasmusMC:     dr. AB Houtsmuller, dr. WA van Cappellen,
NKI:                 dr. L Brocks, dr. K Jalink, dr. L Oomen, Prof. dr. PJ Peters, dr. N van der Wel
UVA:               prof. dr. TWJ Gadella
VUmc:             dr. J.A.M. Beliën

deadline registration October 20

More information:

Jeroen Belien: jam.belien at
NVvM meeting: