Advice on confocal hardware

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Elberger, Andrea June Elberger, Andrea June
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Advice on confocal hardware

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    This request for advice is being posted for a colleague who is considering a CLSM purchase. They are not a member of our List.
    I am writing to ask for comments on the quality, reliability, and user-friendliness of the Leica TCS SP5 system without the high-speed resonant scanner.  This would be for a small group of users with no previous CLSM experience.
    In addition, any comments on your evaluation of Leica CLSM service in the Southern California region would be most appreciated.
Please reply directly to my email listed below, so as not to bother others on the List.
Thanks in advance for any assistance that you can provide.
Dr. Andrea J. Elberger
Professor, Anatomy and Neurobiology
Director, Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope Facility
The University of Tennessee Health Science Center
855 Monroe Avenue
Memphis, TN 38163 U.S.A.
tel: 901-448-4101
FAX: 901-448-7193
[hidden email]