Airy Beam Light Sheet?

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Ferhan A Ferhan A
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Airy Beam Light Sheet?

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Dear All,
I appreciate your comments a lot in case you have experience with Airy Beam
Light Sheet system by M Squared. It will be especially useful for us in
case you have "as compared to" information or experience regarding other
light sheet systems in your lab or core facility. We're interested in 3D
image quality, service support, bugs / issues / limitations / advantages,
suitability in a multi user environment etc.
Off-list comments are also very welcome.
Thanks in advance.

Ferhan Ayaydin, Ph.D.
Head of Core Facility
HCEMM, Hungarian Centre of Excellence for Molecular Medicine
Functional Cell Biology and Immunology Advanced Core Facility
University of Szeged,
Faculty of Medicine, 6720 Szeged, Hungary
Sylvie Le Guyader Sylvie Le Guyader
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Re: Airy Beam Light Sheet?

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HI Fehran

We have had an M2 light sheet since early 2019 and are very happy with it.

  *   The FOV is 780-870 um depending on the immersion medium we use.
  *   Thanks to the Airy beam there are no shadows.
  *   We can use any immersion medium and it requires no hardware change
  *   No need to alignment anything ever 😊
  *   Resolution is below 1um isotropic after deconvolution and that is across the full FOV mentioned above, no center to periphery discrepancy
  *   We can image samples that are anywhere between 200 um to 1 cm in any dimension (which we have since we are a facility)
  *   Crazy good service support, basically it feels like a scientific collaboration, not like a service support
  *   The software is the most flexible software I have seen (and we are keen Nikon users...) with possibility to image several positions with different z stacks, tile size and channel settings at each position
  *   The software is very easy to use and nice Fiji M2 scripts


  *   This is not an off-the-shelf machine but I find it more of an advantage as I prefer flexibility and custom design than one-size-fits-all stiffness.
  *   This is a development machine so expect to discover a few glitches, give feedback and get a really good and fast response, even if it means modifying some hardware.
  *   Just as any light sheet system, the challenge lies in clearing, mounting and finding the sample (but the overview function helps). We are lucky enough that our university IT department put some great effort in solving the data transfer/storage/analysis challenge. 😊😊😊

I am sure that M2 would be happy to organize a remote session to show you the ins and outs.

Med vänlig hälsning / Best regards



Sylvie Le Guyader, PhD

Live Cell Imaging Facility Manager

Karolinska Institutet- Bionut Dpt

Blickagången 16,

Room 7362 (lab)/7840 (office)

14157 Huddinge, Sweden

mobile: +46 (0) 73 733 5008

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-----Original Message-----

From: Confocal Microscopy List <[hidden email]> On Behalf Of Ferhan A

Sent: 11 August 2020 21:57

To: [hidden email]

Subject: Airy Beam Light Sheet?


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Dear All,

I appreciate your comments a lot in case you have experience with Airy Beam Light Sheet system by M Squared. It will be especially useful for us in case you have "as compared to" information or experience regarding other light sheet systems in your lab or core facility. We're interested in 3D image quality, service support, bugs / issues / limitations / advantages, suitability in a multi user environment etc.

Off-list comments are also very welcome.

Thanks in advance.



Ferhan Ayaydin, Ph.D.

Head of Core Facility

HCEMM, Hungarian Centre of Excellence for Molecular Medicine Functional Cell Biology and Immunology Advanced Core Facility University of Szeged, Faculty of Medicine, 6720 Szeged, Hungary

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