Alby - Diaspro Lab news - 2017/2018 PRE announcements

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Alberto Diaspro Alberto Diaspro
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Alby - Diaspro Lab news - 2017/2018 PRE announcements

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Dear friends,
we have some news that could be of interest for this list.
Please, block on your Agenda the following dates:

1) 4th NIC@IIT Advanced Practical Workshop/School - novembre 27th - december 1st 2017 at A limited number of students (approx. 40) will be admitted in order to have no more than 3/4 students for each instrument or set-up.  Fees  - PhD students and Junior Post Doc 180 € (IIT/SIOF/SIBPA/UNIGE members 120€), Post doc 250 € (IIT/SIOF/SIBPA/UNIGE members 200€), Professional or companies 600€ - will include technical and scientific material, all together dinner and packet lunch.
On November 27th, Lectures will be open access  starting from 2,30 pm ending at 7,30 pm. All together dinner for invited speakers, students and instructors will be offered at 8 pm. Basic short courses will be included for students on Fluorescence, Confocal MIcroscopy, Super resolution Microscopy and Multiphoton microscopy. Starting from November 28th we will have practical sessions. On December 1st we will end at lunch time.  Invited speakers and instructors will be communicated soon. You can also follow updates in our webpage or In order to book the seat or to apply for bursaries - payments can be done later - please, send an email to "[hidden email]" and "[hidden email]" with the mandatory subject "YOURSURNAME-4TH NIC at IIT-PRE".

2) 2ND "OPTICAL MICROSCOPY AT THE NANOSCALE" - Venice - Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere e Arti - 12-15 June 2018
(1ST edition on -This School, organized by IIT in collaboration with LAMBS-University of Genoa, IVSLA, SIOF, SIBPA, will start in the afternoon of June 12th ending at lunch time June 15th. Number of students is limited to 50. Possible fees: 450 Euros including scientific sessions and  PDF material, lodging, social dinner and packet lunch; 400 Euros for IIT, UNIGE, SIOF,SIBPA members; 250 Euros without lodging. Bursaries for PhD students and Junior post doc will be announced in January 2018.
In order to book the seat or to apply for bursaries - payments can be done later - please, send an email to "[hidden email]" and "[hidden email]" with the mandatory subject "YOURSURNAME-2ND IVSLA2018-PRE".

3) Within Summer 2017 we will launch the final call for e Technical position  - 3 years - at NIC@IIT ( We are looking for technicians with experience in optical microscopy, microscopy software interfaces, data storage and processing, web services. Communication skills are well evaluated. As well, the knowledge we need is beyond the mere utilization of the microscope.The technician we are looking for has to be ready to manage hardware and software variations on the theme and she/he is expected to approach the commercial systems available at NIC@IIT in the most complete way. Thresholds for SIM are suggested by the manual but variations depending on the specific case are welcome. In case one element of the microscope is not properly working, the ability of finding effective and operative solutions is well considered.No secrets about data storage and charme with internal and external users. More welcome.

Please, consider that you can find updates about our past, present and future events on (without "www") or on Research Gate/Diaspro. Please, disseminate the info. Other updates will come soon including a Multiphoton event starting on October 11th at the IIT headquarter in Genoa.


Alberto Diaspro

Via Morego, 30 – 16163 Genova
t: +39.010.71781.503/762
[hidden email]

Department of Physics
University of Genoa, Italy
Applied Physics,Professor

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