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PhD School in Life and Humanoid Technologies
I am proud to inform you that the call for the PhD School in Life and Humanoid Technologies, activated in agreement with the University of Genova, has been published.
Deadline for application is 21 September 2012.
For more information and application, visit the UNIGE website at:
http://www.studenti.unige.it/postlaurea/dottorati/xxviiiciclo/IIT (Italian version)
http://www.studenti.unige.it/postlaurea/dottorati/xxviiiciclo/IITen (English version)
Please, note the positions within the Optical MIcroscopy framework in the Nanosciences program.
Theme 3.1: Two-photon STED Optical Nanoscopy towards label-free super-resolution microscopy.
Tutors: Alberto Diaspro, Paolo Bianchini
Theme 3.2: High-throughput label free methods in non-linear optical microscopy towards tissue engineering.
Tutor: Paolo Bianchini, Alberto Diaspro
Theme 3.10: Title: Toward low-intensity STED microscopy
Tutors: Giuseppe Vicidomini, Alberto Diaspro
Theme 3.17: New applications in optical nanoscopy using high resolution concepts like RESOLFT or STED.
Tutors: Benjamin Harke, Alberto Diaspro
Theme 3.18: Super-resolution microscopy within a light sheet three-dimensional approach.
Tutors: Francesca Cella Zanacchi, Alberto Diaspro
mainly based on the following research papers
All the best
http://www.iit.it/en/research/departments/nanophysics.htmllink to www.maf13.org - updates soon