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Analysis software

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Elizabeth Nickless Elizabeth Nickless
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Analysis software

Analysis software


I was wondering if confocal users have experience with VG studio max 3D analysis software and if so what they think of it compared to Image Pro Plus, metamorph, amira etc.

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Cameron Nowell Cameron Nowell
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Using FACS Dot Plots to Analyse Image Data

Analysis software

Hi List,


Has anyone out there ever tried to analyse morphology data generated from HCS image analysis through a FACS software? We have a couple of MetaMorph macros now that generate a scary amount of data. To be able to easily visualise and analyse it, representing it like FACS data would be really beneficial. We have the data in a spreadsheet with all the parameters listed for each object/cell (size, shape, perimeter, width, length, texture, projected volume etc). So the data is similar to FACS data but not in a format that can be imported into FloJo or something similar.








Cameron J. Nowell
Microscopy Manager
Centre for Advanced Microscopy
Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research
PO Box 2008
Royal Melbourne Hospital
Victoria, 3050

Office: +61 3 9341 3155
Mobile: +61422882700
Fax: +61 3 9341 3104

Facility Website



Csúcs  Gábor Csúcs Gábor
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Re: Using FACS Dot Plots to Analyse Image Data

Hallo Cameron,

The Scan-R software from Olympus does exactly this although it is not a
FACS sofware but a high-content imaging product.

Cheers    Gabor

No commercial interest.

> Hi List,
> Has anyone out there ever tried to analyse morphology data generated
> from HCS image analysis through a FACS software? We have a couple of
> MetaMorph macros now that generate a scary amount of data. To be able
> to easily visualise and analyse it, representing it like FACS data
> would be really beneficial. We have the data in a spreadsheet with all
> the parameters listed for each object/cell (size, shape, perimeter,
> width, length, texture, projected volume etc). So the data is similar
> to FACS data but not in a format that can be imported into FloJo or
> something similar.
> Cheers
> Cam
> *Cameron J. Nowell
> *Microscopy Manager
> Centre for Advanced Microscopy
> Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research
> PO Box 2008
> Royal Melbourne Hospital
> Victoria, 3050
> *Office*: +61 3 9341 3155
> *Mobile*: +61422882700
> *Fax*: +61 3 9341 3104
> Facility Website
> <http://www.ludwig.edu.au/branch/research/platform/microscopy.htm>

Gabor Csucs
Light Microscopy Centre, ETH Zurich
Schafmattstrasse 18, HPM F16
CH-8093, Zurich, Switzerland

Web: www.lmc.ethz.ch
Phone: +41 44 633 6221
Mobile: +41 79 758 21 58
Fax: +41 44 632 1298
e-mail: [hidden email]
Martin Köhler Martin Köhler
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Re: Using FACS Dot Plots to Analyse Image Data

Hi Cameron and others,

BD Attovision also does exactly this, namely exporting of analyzed parameters in the fcs file format that can be further analyzed in the same way as FACS data. Attovision is the instrument software platform for the BD Pathway "high-content imaging products".


No commercial interest. We are only users here.

At 08:23 2009-09-02, you wrote:

>Hallo Cameron,
>The Scan-R software from Olympus does exactly this although it is not a FACS sofware but a high-content imaging product.
>Cheers    Gabor
>No commercial interest.
>>Hi List,
>>Has anyone out there ever tried to analyse morphology data generated from HCS image analysis through a FACS software? We have a couple of MetaMorph macros now that generate a scary amount of data. To be able to easily visualise and analyse it, representing it like FACS data would be really beneficial. We have the data in a spreadsheet with all the parameters listed for each object/cell (size, shape, perimeter, width, length, texture, projected volume etc). So the data is similar to FACS data but not in a format that can be imported into FloJo or something similar.
>>*Cameron J. Nowell
>>*Microscopy Manager
>>Centre for Advanced Microscopy
>>Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research
>>PO Box 2008
>>Royal Melbourne Hospital
>>Victoria, 3050
>>*Office*: +61 3 9341 3155
>>*Mobile*: +61422882700
>>*Fax*: +61 3 9341 3104
>>Facility Website <http://www.ludwig.edu.au/branch/research/platform/microscopy.htm>
>Gabor Csucs Light Microscopy Centre, ETH Zurich
>Schafmattstrasse 18, HPM F16 CH-8093, Zurich, Switzerland
>Web: www.lmc.ethz.ch
>Phone: +41 44 633 6221
>Mobile: +41 79 758 21 58
>Fax: +41 44 632 1298
>e-mail: [hidden email]

 Martin Köhler
 The Rolf Luft Research Center for Diabetes and Endocrinology
 Karolinska Institutet
 Karolinska University Hospital Solna L1
 SE-171 76  Stockholm, Sweden

 E-mail:  [hidden email]
 Phone:   +46 8 51775732
 Fax:     +46 8 51779450
Emmanuel Gustin Emmanuel Gustin
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Re: Using FACS Dot Plots to Analyse Image Data

In reply to this post by Cameron Nowell
Analysis software

Hello Cameron,


With a bit of programming skill it is not too difficult to generate FCS formatted files from

a cell list in another format, because the FCS format is well documented: The specification

is on the site of the ISAC, www.isac-net.org.


The files might even be generated from an Excel macro. The spec also allows a variation in

which the data is represented as ASCII text instead of binary, which is what I have used to

write FCS files directly from PE Acapella – Acapella provides a scripting environment with

some basic file I/O tools, so it was possible to add this myself. (A limitation of the FCS ASCII

data representation is that the data values have to be integers, but that can be more or

less resolved by introducing scaling factors.)


The existing FCS spec is very flexible, allowing you to define ‘channels’ representing any

named feature, but I don’t know to what extent the existing FACS analysis packages

support that.  I have written our own analysis software for FCS data sets in 96 or 384 well

format, so that I can fairly easily tweak the analysis software for any specific  requirements

of the HCS data...  


Also, when exporting HCS data for a flow package, you probably have to be careful to

choose the best data representation. For example, if the distribution of the values is

lognormal rather than normal, it would probably be better to use the logarithmic scaling

option of the FCS spec (as many flow cytometers do for intensity values), because that

will generate better histograms.


ISAC, who defined the FSC standard, is now involved in attempts to define standards for

HCS, and I hope that will produce a similar file format for cell level data.


Best Regards,




 Emmanuel Gustin,    Tel. (+32) 15 46 1586,    e-mail: [hidden email]



From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Cameron Nowell
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 07:59
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Using FACS Dot Plots to Analyse Image Data


Hi List,


Has anyone out there ever tried to analyse morphology data generated from HCS image analysis through a FACS software? We have a couple of MetaMorph macros now that generate a scary amount of data. To be able to easily visualise and analyse it, representing it like FACS data would be really beneficial. We have the data in a spreadsheet with all the parameters listed for each object/cell (size, shape, perimeter, width, length, texture, projected volume etc). So the data is similar to FACS data but not in a format that can be imported into FloJo or something similar.








Cameron J. Nowell
Microscopy Manager
Centre for Advanced Microscopy
Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research
PO Box 2008
Royal Melbourne Hospital
Victoria, 3050

Office: +61 3 9341 3155
Mobile: +61422882700
Fax: +61 3 9341 3104

Facility Website



David Basiji David Basiji
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Re: Using FACS Dot Plots to Analyse Image Data

Analysis software
Hi Cameron,
Our IDEAS data analysis software does what you're trying to do without an export step, but IDEAS can also export any image parameter in FCS format and we've learned a few things trying to get other software to read our FCS-compliant output.
To expand on Emmanuel's comments, we've found that the most common issues with FCS export have to do with data linearity, continuity, and range. FCS analysis has historically been performed on integer-valued data with a range of 0-255 or 0-1023, so many of the FCS packages default to that assumption. As Emmanuel mentioned, if you've got log-transformed data, you need encode that in the FCS output so it's handled properly. You should also do the same with floating point data and be particularly careful with discrete (e.g. spot count), and unbounded distributions. If you run in to problems, don't hesitate to contact the software vendor for advice, particularly if you're using FlowJo or FCS Express. Both companies are highly responsive, in my experience.

David Basiji, Ph.D.
Amnis Corporation
2505 Third Ave., Suite 210
Seattle, WA 98121
+1 206 374 7165 direct
+1 206 919 3342 mobile
+1 206 576 6895 fax

This email and any attachment contain information which is intended for the addressees only. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender.


From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Gustin, Emmanuel [TIBBE]
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 2:34 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: Using FACS Dot Plots to Analyse Image Data

Hello Cameron,


With a bit of programming skill it is not too difficult to generate FCS formatted files from

a cell list in another format, because the FCS format is well documented: The specification

is on the site of the ISAC, www.isac-net.org.


The files might even be generated from an Excel macro. The spec also allows a variation in

which the data is represented as ASCII text instead of binary, which is what I have used to

write FCS files directly from PE Acapella – Acapella provides a scripting environment with

some basic file I/O tools, so it was possible to add this myself. (A limitation of the FCS ASCII

data representation is that the data values have to be integers, but that can be more or

less resolved by introducing scaling factors.)


The existing FCS spec is very flexible, allowing you to define ‘channels’ representing any

named feature, but I don’t know to what extent the existing FACS analysis packages

support that.  I have written our own analysis software for FCS data sets in 96 or 384 well

format, so that I can fairly easily tweak the analysis software for any specific  requirements

of the HCS data...  


Also, when exporting HCS data for a flow package, you probably have to be careful to

choose the best data representation. For example, if the distribution of the values is

lognormal rather than normal, it would probably be better to use the logarithmic scaling

option of the FCS spec (as many flow cytometers do for intensity values), because that

will generate better histograms.


ISAC, who defined the FSC standard, is now involved in attempts to define standards for

HCS, and I hope that will produce a similar file format for cell level data.


Best Regards,




 Emmanuel Gustin,    Tel. (+32) 15 46 1586,    e-mail: [hidden email]



From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Cameron Nowell
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 07:59
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Using FACS Dot Plots to Analyse Image Data


Hi List,


Has anyone out there ever tried to analyse morphology data generated from HCS image analysis through a FACS software? We have a couple of MetaMorph macros now that generate a scary amount of data. To be able to easily visualise and analyse it, representing it like FACS data would be really beneficial. We have the data in a spreadsheet with all the parameters listed for each object/cell (size, shape, perimeter, width, length, texture, projected volume etc). So the data is similar to FACS data but not in a format that can be imported into FloJo or something similar.








Cameron J. Nowell
Microscopy Manager
Centre for Advanced Microscopy
Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research
PO Box 2008
Royal Melbourne Hospital
Victoria, 3050

Office: +61 3 9341 3155
Mobile: +61422882700
Fax: +61 3 9341 3104

Facility Website



Daniel James White Daniel James White
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Re: Using FACS Dot Plots to Analyse Image Data

In reply to this post by Cameron Nowell
Hi Cameron,

On Sep 2, 2009, at 7:03 AM, CONFOCALMICROSCOPY automatic digest system  

> Hi List,
> =20
> Has anyone out there ever tried to analyse morphology data generated
> from HCS image analysis through a FACS software?

For sure you can use  the freeware Fiji (imageJ) plugins 2D histogram  
and colour inspector 3D do do FACS style data representations.
(use control - L to search and find the menu commands of you cant see  

http://pacific.mpi-cbg.de        FIJI -  is just ImageJ (Batteries Included)



Dr. Daniel James White BSc. (Hons.) PhD
Senior Microscopist / Image Visualisation, Processing and Analysis
Light Microscopy and Image Processing Facilities
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
Pfotenhauerstrasse 108

+49 (0)15114966933 (German Mobile)
+49 (0)351 210 2627 (Work phone at MPI-CBG)
+49 (0)351 210 1078 (Fax MPI-CBG LMF)

http://www.bioimagexd.net  BioImageXD
http://pacific.mpi-cbg.de                                                                                        FIJI -  is just ImageJ (Batteries  
http://www.chalkie.org.uk                                                                                        Dan's Homepages
Dresden Imaging Facility Network
dan (at) chalkie.org.uk
( white (at) mpi-cbg.de )