Announcement: 10th Annual Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop

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Holly L. AARON Holly L. AARON
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Announcement: 10th Annual Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop

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Dear Imaging Community -

I am pleased to announce our 10th Annual Event:

*10th Annual Advanced Imaging Methods*
*January 30 - February 1, 2013*
*Berkeley, California, USA*

This is the 10th Anniversary of the Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop in
Berkeley, California. To celebrate 10 amazing years of microscopy
discourse, we are planning lectures from the best of the last 10 years, and
other top names in the microscopy field! We will also have a new location
to enjoy: the Berkeley City Club. The intimate setting of this workshop
allows for ample interaction between speakers, attendees, and sponsors in a
relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
Topics this year will include: fluorescent lifetime imaging (FLIM), super
resolution, adaptive optics, probe design, optogenetics, clinical imaging,
and more!

For more information, agenda, registration, etc., please visit the official
website here:

Also, feel free to let me know if you have questions.

Holly L. Aaron
Molecular Imaging Center
Cancer Research Laboratory
University of California Berkeley
251 LSA #2751
Berkeley, CA  94720-2751
510.642.5741 fax
[hidden email]

*Get Ready for AIM2013: ***