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Dear Confocal listmembers,
I would like to announce the FEBS Practical course we are going to host
upcoming June:
Title: FEBS Practical Course "Advanced Imaging of molecular complexes in
living cells",
Date: June 8-12th
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Organisers: van Leeuwenhoek Centre for Advanced Microscopy & FEBS
Description: Molecular complexes play an important role in cellular
processes like transcription, receptor signaling and cytoskeletal structure
formation. Malfunction of the individual protein components and their
interplay may result in disease. Microscopic techniques can be used to
elucidate complex composition, organization and dynamics within the living
cell. This practical advanced course aims to provide young scientists in this
field with theoretical background and to give hands-on experience of state-
of-the-art microscopy techniques.
Techniques: Confocal, TIRF and super-resolution microscopy, FRAP, FLIM,
Participants: 20 PhD students & postdocs with microscope experience
http://www.microscopycourse.nlContact: Dr. M.A. Hink (
[hidden email])
with best regards,
Mark Hink
Dept. Molecular Cytology
van Leeuwenhoek Centre for Advanced Microscopy (LCAM)
University of Amsterdam
room C2.264
Sciencepark 904
1098 XH Amsterdam
The Netherlands
[hidden email]
Phone: +31 -(0)20-525 6211
Web: www.lcam-fnwi.nl
Web2: www.molecularcytology.nl