Announcing: 15th Annual Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop in Berkeley

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Holly L. AARON Holly L. AARON
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Announcing: 15th Annual Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop in Berkeley

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Dear All -

Before it gets much later, I wanted to announce our upcoming microscopy

*Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop*

*January 24 – 26, 2018*

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*Berkeley City Club*

2315 Durant Avenue

Berkeley, CA 94704

This year will include sessions on time-correlated techniques, lattice
lightsheet, mechanobiology, correlative techniques, probe development,
neuroscience, clinical imaging, and more! There will also be vendor fairs,
demonstrations on-site and on campus, a poster session, and multiple

Early registration ends December 15th.

*Confirmed Speakers:*
Kimberly Beatty, *Oregon Health & Science University*
Wolfgang Becker, *Becker-Hickl, Germany*
Jeff Chan, *University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign*
Laurent Cognet,* Institute of Optics, University of Bordeaux, France*
Emilia Entcheva, *George Washington University*
Thomas Gensch, *Research Centre Juelich, Germany*
Jennifer Hunter, *University of Rochester, New York*
Na Ji,
*University of California, Berkeley*Sanjay Kumar, *University of
California, Berkeley*
Markita Landry, *University of California, Berkeley*
Luke Lavis, *Janelia Farms, Howard Hughes Medical Institute*
Alex Lippert,
*Southern Methodist University, Dallas*Shalin Mehta, *Chan-Zuckerberg
Biohub, San Francisco*
Yves Mely, *University of Strasbourg, France*
Ammasi Periasamy,
*University of Virginia, Charlottsville*Angelika Rueck, *University of Ulm,
Lydia Sauer, *John A. Moran Eye Center, Salt Lake City*
Patrick Schäfer, *Children's Hospital of Philadelphia*
Martin Schnermann,
*National Institutes of Health*Marina Shirmanova, *Nizhny Novgorod State
Medical Academy, **Russia*
Melissa Skala,
*University of Wisconsin, Madison*Ben Smith, *University of California,
Lin Tian, *University of California, Davis*
Andreea Trache,* Texas A&M University Health Science Center, College
Steven Vogel,* Laboratory of Molecular Physiology, National Institutes of
Laura Waller,
*University of California, Berkeley*Horst Wallrabe, *University of
Virginia, Charlottesville*
Tomasz Zal, *MD Anderson, Houston*


*Holly Aaron, [hidden email] <[hidden email]>*
*CRL Molecular Imaging Center*

Register now for AIM:
*Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop*
*January 24 – 26, 2018*

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*The MIC is hiring! Please let me know if you are interested in working in
a fast-paced microscopy core! More info here: