Announcing: Focus on Microscopy Conference, FOM2022, Porto Portugal, April 10 - 13, 2022 & FOM2021 tutorials on YouTube

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Fred Brakenhoff-2 Fred Brakenhoff-2
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Announcing: Focus on Microscopy Conference, FOM2022, Porto Portugal, April 10 - 13, 2022 & FOM2021 tutorials on YouTube

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April 10 - 13, 2022
Porto, Portugal


35th International Conference on 3D Image Processing in Microscopy
34th International Conference on Confocal Microscopy

Dear colleagues,

we would like to announce FOM2022, the next conference in the FOM series. FOM2022 will take place in Porto, Portugal, from Sunday, April 10 to Wednesday, April 13, 2022. Please note that this will be in the week before Easter 2022. After the successful FOM2021 online conference, we are optimistic that the corona situation will again allow an in-person meeting.

The<> website will be updated soon with relevant information on the upcoming conference. A more detailed (email) announcement, also including sponsor- and exhibition possibilities, will follow in October 2021.

The tutorials presented at FOM2021 are now available on our YouTube channel:<>

FOM2022 continues a long-standing (since 1988), yearly conference series on the latest innovations and developments in (optical) microscopy and their application in biology, medicine, and the material sciences. FOM is committed to advancing microscopy research and meeting the needs of participants by providing opportunities for sharing work and connecting scientists with the global scientific community.

If you wish to be kept informed on updates, please leave your email address at<>.

On behalf of the FOM2022 organizers:

  *   Paula Sampaio, IBMC/i3S, University of Porto, Portugal
  *   Hans Gerritsen, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
  *   Fred Brakenhoff, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

E-mail: [hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>