Anyone have an Olympus IX71 or Nikon TI available for purchase?

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Beck032 CSUSM Beck032 CSUSM
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Anyone have an Olympus IX71 or Nikon TI available for purchase?

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Please let me know if you have an unused Olympus IX71 or NIkon TI /
equivalent that's collecting dust. Looking for a unit for a custom build.

Best regards,

Richard Beck
Konstantín Levitskiy Konstantín Levitskiy
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Re: Anyone have an Olympus IX71 or Nikon TI available for purchase?

To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
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Hi Richard.
Have you already received some proposal?

Dr. Konstantín Levitskiy

Servicio de Microscopía

InstitutodeBiomedicinadeSevilla - IBiS

41013 Sevilla

Tlfno: 955 92 3030

Email: [hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>


De: Confocal Microscopy List <[hidden email]> en nombre de Beck032 CSUSM <[hidden email]>
Enviado: martes, 9 de marzo de 2021 1:54
Para: [hidden email] <[hidden email]>
Asunto: Anyone have an Olympus IX71 or Nikon TI available for purchase?

To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
Post images on and include the link in your posting.

Please let me know if you have an unused Olympus IX71 or NIkon TI /
equivalent that's collecting dust. Looking for a unit for a custom build.

Best regards,

Richard Beck