BIOS 2021-MP Conference-Abstract due July 15th.

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Periasamy, Ammasi (ap3t)-2 Periasamy, Ammasi (ap3t)-2
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BIOS 2021-MP Conference-Abstract due July 15th.

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Dear All,
Hope all are doing well.
I would appreciate if you could inform your students, postdocs and colleagues about the multiphoton microscopy conference (SPIE) which will be held in Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA during January 23-28, 2021.
The abstract due date is July 15, 2020. (contact me if you have any questions or help)

Please note the SPIE response to COVID-19<> on how SPIE deals with the COVID-19 restrictions and its effect on the BiOS conferences.

If the COVID-19 gives a break, or if we beat the COVID-19 by vaccine, we can meet in person.
Take care,

Stay safe.

Dr. Ammasi Periasamy
Director and founder of WM Keck Center for Cellular Imaging,
Prof. of Biology & Biomed. Eng., University of Virginia,
Physical & Life Sciences Building (PLSB 005)
90 Geldard Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22904, USA.
Phone: (434) 243-7602 or 982-4869
Fax: (434) 982-5210
E-mail: [hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>

20th Annual FLIM and FRET Workshop-March 08-12, 2021.