Bangalore Microscopy Course 2011

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Nico Stuurman Nico Stuurman
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Bangalore Microscopy Course 2011

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Dear Colleagues,

I would like to let you know about a one week microscopy course organized by Ron Vale and Jitu Mayor at the National Center for Biological Sciences (NCBS) in Bangalore, India.  This course, which provides didactic and hands-on training in a variety of light microscopy techniques, is taught by outstanding international leaders in microscopy (see below).  The course is supported by the major microscopy and camera vendors and will be held in first-rate teaching labs and microscopy facilities at the NCBS.  This is the third year that this course is offered, and the previous courses were a tremendous success!  

The course is designed for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows (although an advanced undergraduate or faculty member also would be welcome).

The Bangalore Microscope is an annual course, similar to the Advanced Quantitative Light Microscopy course at the MBL, Woods Hole and the EMBO microscopy workshops.  However, the focus will be primarily on attracting top students from Asian countries, so we are hoping that you can recommend this course to excellent students!!!  The course is international in its student body.  Last year students attended from China, Japan, Singapore, India, Pakistan, South Africa, Russia, Switzerland, England, and USA.  We had outstanding students apply last year and hope for the same again.

Please distribute this information to individuals who might be interested and benefit from this course.

The application deadline has been extended to June 5th.

The course web site is:

Michael Davidson, Florida State University, USA
Sudipta Maiti, TIFR, India
Satyajit Mayor, NCBS, India (Organizer)
Steve Ross, Nikon, USA
Nico Stuurman, UCSF, USA (Organizer)
Jason Swedlow, University of Dundee, UK
Kurt Thorn, UCSF, USA
Ron Vale, UCSF, USA (Organizer)
Clare Waterman, NIH, USA
Sam Hess, University of Maine, USA

Hope to see you there!

