BioImaging UK job opportunity

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Michelle Peckham Michelle Peckham
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BioImaging UK job opportunity

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Dear all

A reminder that we are now advertising a part time position to support the BioImaging UK network,

you can find the job advert here:<>.

This position will fill a critical role in the delivering the aims of the BioImagingUK Network

The successful applicant will be responsible for coordinating all significant interactions with the UK bioimaging community, including website updates, community meetings and surveys, and helping to prepare and deliver presentations and publications for the community.  The Project Officer will report directly to the Chair of the BioImagingUK Network Organising Committee, and RMS Chief Executive, and where appropriate present status updates and projects reports to the Network’s Organising Committee and funders.

I think this should be a really exciting position for the right person.
To apply for this position, and for any other enquiries, email: Professor Maddy Parsons, [hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]> and Ms Allison Winton [hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>.

All best

Michelle Peckham
RMS President