Biorad Radiance for sale

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Judy Trogadis-2 Judy Trogadis-2
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Biorad Radiance for sale

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Fellow Confocalists,

We have a Biorad Radiance 2100 confocal microscope which is available for sale. It has 3 lasers, a 4-line Argon, a 1.5mW Green HeNe and a 5mW red diode laser, equipped with AOTF (acousto-optical tunable filter). It has always been covered by service contract and all parts are working.

The microscope platform is a Nikon E800 upright microscope and that is also available, with objectives.

For simplicity, relocation within Canada would require less paperwork, however, we will consider queries from all interested parties. It could also be a great source for parts for this now defunct system.

Thank you

Judy Trogadis
Bio-Imaging Coordinator
Keenan Research Centre, St. Michael's
209 Victoria Street
Toronto M5B 1T8, Canada
office: 416-864-6060 ext. 77612
imaging facility:           ext. 77434
cell:        416-909-9878
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