Bitplane - August Newsletter: New Webpage

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Kerstin Fink Kerstin Fink
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Bitplane - August Newsletter: New Webpage

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Dear Dr. Marcelle,

Welcome to our August Newsletter!

We are delighted to announce the launch of the New Bitplane Website today.

The new layout marks an essential improvement in the appearance, navigability, and usability of the webpage.

In addition to the latest publications made with Imaris the site features showcase research studies and a large number of images and movies made by our customers.

With best regards,
Kerstin Fink

Kerstin FINK,
Global Marketing Manager

1. New Bitplane Webpage

New features of the webpage include:

Applications Section

Show Cases

Based on recent publications, Show Cases demonstrate how our products are used by researchers around the world.

Show Case #1: 4D-Tracking with Imaris: Dr. Tim Worbs, Prof. Reinhold Förster and colleagues from the Institute of Immunology at Hannover Medical School, are applying intravital two-photon microscopy to investigate the modulatory effects of different chemokines on the basal motility level of T cells.

Show Case #2: High-Resolution Imaging in Zebrafish: Professor R. Klemke and colleagues from UCSD developed a novel translucent zebrafish xenograft model of human cancer progression.

Show Case #3: Biofilm: 3D Visualization: Prof. Folkesson and Prof. Molin and colleagues from DTU addresse the question of how biofilm organization affects antibiotic susceptibility.

#1 #2 #3


The publication list contains peer reviewed publications between 1990 and 2008 that are using Imaris in one of its configurations.

For the ease of use, website links (PubMed) are provided where either the referenced article can be found and downloaded. Publications that are available as Open Access article, can be downloaded from our webpage directly.


See what our customers have to say about Bitplane's software solutions and how they use it in their research.

Dr. Gaudenz Danuser: Dr. Gaudenz Danuser and colleagues from the Laboratory for Computational Cell Biology (LCCB), The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla develop quantitative light microscopy and numerical models of cytoskeleton mechanics to study the molecular regulation of cell migration and chromosome segregation in normal physiology and disease.

Dr. Michael Liebling: Dr. Michael Liebling's lab at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UCSB develops novel in vivo imaging tools to follow the fate of individual cardiac cells in the beating and developing embryonic heart.

Dr. Eric Scarfone: Dr. Eric Scarfone from the Center for Hearing and Communication Research, Karolinska Institute works on different cellular components of the inner ear. He and his colleagues have developed an ex-vivo organotypic preparation that is stained with vital fluorescent dyes and imaged using confocal or multiphoton laser scanning microscopy.

Navigability and Usability

Events Section

The latest versions of Imaris are presented at many Conferences, Meetings, Courses, Workshops, Exhibitions and Trade Shows around the world. We are pleased to give the title, location, and basic contact details.

Now you can see which events are relevant for you and your geographical location with just a glance.

Image Gallery

You can now see the results you can achieve with Imaris on every page.

The image gallery contains pictures and videos coming from our customers all around the world working in very different research areas. If you are interested to share your Imaris images, please [hidden email] - and your image will soon be displayed in one of our image galleries.


Drop down menus and multiple entry points make it easier than ever before to access the information you are looking for. Effortlessly move back out to any level you want by using our bread crumb links.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to [hidden email].

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