CALL FOR ENTRIES - IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 3 - through December 31, 2018

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CALL FOR ENTRIES - IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 3 - through December 31, 2018

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The Images from Science 3 project celebrates images - both still and moving - created for science. The mission of the IFS 3 exhibition is to showcase the worlds' best and most compelling images originally made to document, reveal or present, aspects of research, treatment, or scientific discovery.

Judging will be accomplished by a panel of international science experts from various fields composed of seven jurors. Because of the importance and relevance of all types of images, the Exhibition will also invite animations and illustrations to be submitted as well as student images.

The Exhibition will be reproduced in print and online and will premier in late November 2019 at the RIT City Art Space located in downtown Rochester NY. Following this first installation, it will next be displayed at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore MD. The exhibit will be available for travel to other venues following its display at Johns Hopkins.

RIT Press will be the publisher of the exhibition catalog. The Press previously published beautiful four color catalogs of IFS 1 and IFS 2, and successful entrants into the Exhibition will receive a complimentary catalog for each image that is accepted.

Bob Rose, M.Ed.
Assistant Professor, Photo Sciences
School of Photographic Arts & Sciences
College of Art and Design

Rochester Institute of Technology
Frank E. Gannett Hall, GAN-2262
70 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, NY  14623-5604
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