Just a reminder about the early registration deadline and travel award deadline is tomorrow for the:
Canadian Cytometry and Microscopy Association (CCMA) Symposium, Toronto, ON, June 18-20, 2015
Amazing 10th Anniversary CCMA Symposium Program!
Full day Core Facility Managers Meeting on Thursday, June 18 (Sick Kids, separate registration) an engaging day of information and panel discussions
* Not specific to cytometry and microscopy. So if you run any type of core facility this event is for you!
* Representatives from core facilities across Canada
* Upper level administrators from several institutions
* Representatives from the CFI
* Networking Dinner
Main CCMA Symposium (Chelsea Hotel Toronto)
* Plenary Lectures
* In-depth workshops – cellular assays, fluorescent probes, super-resolution imaging, rare cell analysis
* Poster presentations
* Wine and cheese reception
* Corporate Lunch-N-Learn Talks
* Corporate Exhibits
* Keynote Lecture
Dr. François Jean (UBC)
“Uncovering new therapeutic avenues for emerging viral diseases:
An interdisciplinary approach at the interface of molecular virology, flow cytometry and bio‐imaging”.
Early bird registration rates are until April 30, 2015 so REGISTER NOW<
Canadian Cytometry and Microscopy (CCMA) Symposium – Technologies to Treatments
June 18-20, 2015, Toronto, ON, www.cytometry.ca<
Need Microscope Access? Fill in our training request form:
http://www.mcgill.ca/lifesciencescomplex/core/imaging/newuserClaire M. Brown, PhD - McGill University - Assistant Professor, Physiology
Life Sciences Complex Advanced BioImaging Facility Director
3649 Promenade Sir William Osler - Bellini Building - Rm 137A - Montreal - Quebec - H3G 0B1
514-398-4400 ext 00795 (Phone) - 514-677-7493 (Cell) - 514-398-7452 (FAX)
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