COMMERCIAL POST: Upcoming webinar about multi-channel imaging experiments

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Virginia Bain Virginia Bain
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COMMERCIAL POST: Upcoming webinar about multi-channel imaging experiments

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Hello Everyone,

I hope you are staying well and safe during these challenging times.

Cell Signaling Technology is presenting a series of webinars to help people
learn more about certain techniques while we are working from home. I will
be giving a short webinar and Q&A on May 14th at 9 AM and 1 PM EST that may
be of interest to some of your more junior users and colleagues (register
here <>). I will be covering the basics of how
fluorophores work in immunofluorescence and discussing some considerations
for setting up a multiplex panel. After a fifteen minute talk I will answer

Please pass this along to anyone who would be interested in this topic.

Best wishes,
*Virginia Bain, PhD*
*Antibody Applications / Immunofluorescence*
*Cell Signaling Technology*
*3 Trask Lane*
*Danvers, Massachusetts 01923*

*Fax: 978-867-2400*
*Web Site: <>*

*Toll Free:*
*1-877-616-CELL (877-616-2355)*
*1-877-678-TECH (877-678-8324)*

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