CTLS2020 congress: June the 29th to July the 2nd @ Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (Lisbon)

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Nuno Moreno Nuno Moreno
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CTLS2020 congress: June the 29th to July the 2nd @ Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (Lisbon)

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Dear Colleagues,

CTLS (Core Technologies for Life Sciences) conferences represent a unique opportunity for you, as they gather a large number of scientists and managers working in core facilities and research infrastructures. Their different scientific backgrounds and eagerness to share experiences and know-how, give rise to an interdisciplinary forum where attendees can learn about new technologies, best practices, operational management and funding, as well as training and career related questions.

The program of the CTLS2020 edition will include crucial scientific and non scientific topics that are not so commonly covered in meetings, such the incorporation of new approaches for automation and data analysis, machine learning, open science and data integrity, quality management as well as core facilities benchmarking and sharing models.

We believe these topics will have growing importance in the upcoming years and will be covered both during the congress and the satellite workshops that will be deliver by the astonishing line up of confirmed speakers:

Florian Jug - Artificial intelligence in data analysis

Jan Hrusak - Research infrastructures funding

Michela Bertero - Open Science and data integrity

Mehmet Yanik & Peter Horvarth - Automation in Core Facilities

Pedro Garcia & Mary Doherty - Development in core facilities

Josh Rappoport & Michel Royeck - Funding of core facilities

Carmen Martin & Marie-Laure Chao- Quality Management

Mariana Mesel Lemoine & Maria Luisa Lavitrano - Career development in Core facilities

Maija Dambrova & Fernando Peláez - Core Facility Benchmarking

Ulrike Wittig & Thomas Lemberger - Open Science and data integrity

Daniele Soroldoni & Nicolas Pade - Core Facilities sharing models

Confirmed open Satellite workshops (only for CTLS2020 delegates)

- Networking with fellow professionals: How to identify and communicate your skills

- Presentation of the Catalogue of Research Infrastructure Services - CatRIS project

- Tips & Tricks for Core Facility management

- Introduction to single-cell RNA-seq

- Ready for BioData Management?

- Best practices for pricing structure in core facilities

More details about the speakers and the program can be found here:

Registration here:

CTLS2020 will take place in Lisbon, the world's 6th most popular destination for international congresses, with over 100 international events per year. The major attractions are the excellent facilities, the ideal geographical location (a couple of hours from most places in Europe, and the closest European capital to the American continent), the mild climate, and the competitive prices.

Looking forward to meet in Lisbon!

Best wishes,

Nuno Moreno
Chair of the organising committee
Patrick England
President of CTLS association