Call-for-Proposals: Advanced Imaging Center at HHMI Janelia

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Chew, Teng-Leong Chew, Teng-Leong
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Call-for-Proposals: Advanced Imaging Center at HHMI Janelia

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Dear Colleagues,

The Advanced Imaging Center (AIC) at the HHMI Janelia Research Campus is
jointly sponsored by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Gordon
and Betty Moore Foundation. Our mission is to make cutting-edge,
pre-commercial microscopes developed at Janelia available to visiting
scientists, maximizing the impact of the latest developments in optical
instruments and emerging microscopy technologies.

We encourage applications from scientists who are addressing significant
scientific questions  that  require measurements of cellular/molecular
behavior at spatial and/or temporally resolutions that would only be
possible for them through access to the AIC.

Under the Program, visiting scientists will spend 1-2 weeks (or longer if
there is justified scientific reason) at Janelia to conduct experiments on
the scope with the support of the AIC team.

The currently available microscopes, which provide advanced capabilities
that are not yet widely available, are:

- Interferometric photoactivated localization microscope (iPALM)
- Single-molecule total internal reflection fluorescence (smTIRF)
- Aberration-corrected multifocus microscope (acMFM)
- Lattice light sheet microscope (2nd generation bessel beam microscope)
- Live cell multicolor structured illumination microscope (SIM)

Our website, provides more details about these
unique instruments.

The Call-for-Proposals begins today, December 1, 2014, and closes on
January 30, 2015. Proposals will be evaluated based on scientific merit
through a two-tier review process by AIC/Janelia scientists and by a
review panel of scientists from HHMI/Janelia, GBMF, and extramural
imaging experts.

Additional information and instructions on how apply are available

Scientists whose proposals are selected will travel to Janelia to use
the imaging center. The Janelia Visitor Program will cover the cost of
lodging for the visiting scientist, experiments, technical support from
our applications scientists, and scope time for researchers whose
proposals are accepted.

Email [hidden email] or me with direct inquiries.

Please help us by spreading the word to your colleagues. Here is the
link to the HHMI press release.


Teng-Leong Chew, PhD
Director, Advanced Imaging Center
Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Janelia
Ashburn, VA 20147
(571) 209-4676
[hidden email]