Cameras for eyepiece - commercial interest

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Klughammer Industrie GmbH Klughammer Industrie GmbH
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Cameras for eyepiece - commercial interest

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Dear all,

we have

c-mount adapter (0.3x, 0.5x, 1.0x 2.0x) for a c-mount camera to a
microscope eye-piece, so you can use every c-mount camera.

We also have eye-piece adapter for digital consumer cameras.

With kind regards

Anneliese Schmaus LLB (hons)
Product Manager
Klughammer Bio GmbH
Strassbach 9
85229 Markt Indersdorf

Tel. +49 (0)8136 6011
Fax +49 (0)8136 7098
[hidden email]

2008/2/19, S. Brunet <[hidden email]>:

> Search the CONFOCAL archive at
> Hello:
> Does anyone use the Moticam series of cameras on their microscope?  Ken-a-vision
> also seems to sell cameras that can be inserted directly into the eyepiece.
> These cameras have adapters for the eyepiece, and that would make it easy for
> those without a trinocular.  They have different minimum illumination, so the
> low lux would probably better for fluorescence imaging.
> Thank you,
> Sophie
> ____________________________________________________
> Sophie M. K. Brunet, Ph. D.
> Research Officer
> Optical Spectroscopy, Laser Systems and Applications
> Chemistry 112 sessional lecturer
> [hidden email]
> 306-966-1719 (office)   306-966-1702 (fax)
> ____________________________________________________
> Saskatchewan Structural Sciences Centre
> University of Saskatchewan
> Thorvaldson Bldg.
> 110 Science Place
> Saskatoon, Sk   S7N 5C9
> ____________________________________________________