Cancelled; Light-sheet workshop Summer 2020 at Princeton

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Gary Laevsky Gary Laevsky
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Cancelled; Light-sheet workshop Summer 2020 at Princeton

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Colleagues and Friends,

It is with deep regret and following much contemplation that we need to
cancel the inaugural light sheet workshop planned for this July.  We
absolutely did not want to do this but challenges in arranging travel,
housing, live animals etc are proving too significant to overcome at this
While we expect the current crisis will have abated by the end of July, we
feel the current climate is not conducive to the energy and interest we
want to generate for the first US based light sheet workshop.  The momentum
generated was spectacular and there is no doubt in any other year under any
other circumstances this would have been a solid and recurring educational
opportunity.  We are truly disappointed that we have to cancel the event.

We do plan on holding this workshop next year, during the same time-frame,
exact dates to be determined in the near future.

Wishing wellness and safety to all of you and yours


Gary and Simon


Gary Laevsky, Ph.D.
Director, Confocal Imaging Facility
Nikon Center of Excellence
Co-Founder, North Atlantic Microscopy Society (NAMS)
Dept. of Molecular Biology
Washington Rd.
Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey, 08544-1014
(O) 609 258 5432
(C) 508 507 1310

North Atlantic Microscopy Society Spring Meeting at UPENN, April 23, 2020.