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Carl zeiss Fret macro

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Serra Akinturk Serra Akinturk
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Carl zeiss Fret macro

Hi all!
Does anybody have any document about how to use Carl Zeiss FRET Macro?
At the moment we are new to the sofware and have difficulty to use this macro. We found two pdfs
from internet but they aren't so helpfull and not explaining about the programme so much.
Will be glad to hear from you!
Warmest regards,

G. Esteban Fernandez G. Esteban Fernandez
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Re: Carl zeiss Fret macro

You'll find literature on that at ftp:\\lsm.zeiss.com
Log on with your system's ID number as the username, the password is your dongle number.
Look in folders "User_Area\User Meetings and Training\" and also "Software\LSM5_Macros\"

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 7:18 AM, Serra Akinturk <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi all!
Does anybody have any document about how to use Carl Zeiss FRET Macro?
At the moment we are new to the sofware and have difficulty to use this macro. We found two pdfs
from internet but they aren't so helpfull and not explaining about the programme so much.
Will be glad to hear from you!
Warmest regards,

G. Esteban Fernandez, Ph.D.
Associate Director
Molecular Cytology Core Facility
University of Missouri
120 Bond Life Sciences Center
Columbia, MO  65211


573-884-9676 fax